Shooting stars

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Request: Hi! Can you please do something fluffy with Felix? Like maybe stargazing and playing with his hair or something. xx :)

A/N: It's short but I hope you like it. I feel like there could be a second part if someone wants. Enjoy!

Everyone had his duties on Neverland, even Felix. It did not matter if the boys liked them or not, with Pan as their leader, they all had to comply. It was not like the second in command loved what he was commanded with, but never had he spoken up to his leader- not until this very day. 

"This is idiotic!" Felix screamed out in full rage, his face turned deep scarlet. "Why me?"

"Because your leader commanded you to." Peter replied unimpressed, not even facing his second in command. 

"What about the younger boys?" 

"They aren't old and responsible enough." 

"Why don't you take care of her? It was not me who wanted to let them all stay here in the first place!"

Peter only glared at him in response, and Felix knew that this was nothing to argue about. Neverland was dangerous for every newcomer, but since the pirates roamed around, Pan considered it even more dangerous for the newly arrived girls. Felix gave his leader a defeated nod before he would leave his tent to find his new protege. The second in command would lie if he said he was not nervous about this. His first years on Neverland he had been teased for his looks, until Felix would start to show them all his cruel, violent side. Since then it was like there was no single person not being afraid, or at least intimidated of him. He did not want the same experience with any girl. 

Usually the other boys would take care of them, show them around and basically told them what to do. It was no task for Felix, since he was already unbothered by the boys and avoided them, so why should it be any different with a girl? 

"Y/N." He said out her name for the first time after hearing it from Pan, and deep inside he had to admit that he liked it. The girl sat on a barrel in front of the bonfire to warm her hands, and when she heard her name, she immediately spun her head around. Felix could read no emotions in her face, but after a short second she gave him a smile. Something so small and simple, but for a moment caught Felix off guard, and he just stared, being slightly amazed by it. No other girl had smiled at him without a reason. Recalling his memories, they actually never smiled at him at all. Understandable, taking his constant mood in consideration, he was easy to judge.

"Well, aren't you going to introduce yourself?" Y/N laughed at him, moving down onto a log bank. Felix did not know what to do, did she expect him to sit next to her? He was surprised by her kindness, hesitating a little, but then he complied and took a seat. "Felix," he answered the question without any eye contact. The boy could not tell why he suddenly felt so nervous to look at someone while he talked, or even cared about what he said. 

"Felix." She repeated, and by just doing so, she already gave him goosebumps. "I like that name. It sounds pretty."

Two lost boys swayed uncomfortably close past them as they danced, almost stomping the girl on her foot. She gave them a poisonous glare, biting her lip as if she held herself back from saying something to them.

"You can't stand them already?" Felix joked with a grin, but deep inside he could relate to that reaction.

"They are just so…loud." Y/N complained with a theatrical sigh.

"We could go somewhere without them if you like?" Felix suggested, and she replied with an excited head nod. They both raised to their feet and Felix suddenly found himself almost twice as tall as her. If he had to spend time with a girl, he was glad that it could be without the young, partying boys around. At first glance she did not seem as annoying as he assumed to be, so he gave her a chance.

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