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"AIDEN." THOMAS, ONE OF MY OTHER CLOSE friends called out. Aiden and I were at his house for our mandatory game night. Aiden snapped his head in Thomas' direction while I sipped on my whiskey trying to ignore them. "You don't by any chance know why Sergio has been so moody all day do you?"

I scoffed and shook my head. These two morons could be annoying as fuck sometimes. "No, but I'll bet my left nut that it involves a woman." Aiden stated confidently.

"Why are you two idiots so concerned about me? You're worse than the women I've slept with." Then they came to sit on either side of me, Thomas ruffled my hair and I glared at him.

"Who's the .. unlucky woman?" Thomas asked and I leaned back against the couch, closing my eyes in the process. This was my attempt in trying to drown them out but my attempt was damn near futile.

"There is no woman." I said, still keeping my eyes closed but I just knew they were looking at me.

"Is it one of the ladies you work with?" Aiden asked and then I finally opened my eyes. "I'm sure there are tons of sexy female professors."

"No." I deadpanned. "There is no woman. Don't tell me you're struggling to comprehend basic english."

"It's definitely a woman." They said simultaneously and if I could punch both of them I would have done so with zero hesitation.

"There's only two occasions where you get extremely defensive. The first one is when we tell you your favourite football team sucks ass and the second is when we ask you questions about your love life." Thomas stated with an overwhelming amount of confidence radiating from him. He smiled, proud of his answer because he was right and he knew this.

I slowly drank the last of my whiskey. "At least tell us what her name is? Are you grumpy because she doesn't feel the same way? Does she maybe have a boyfriend and now you have to win her over?"

"You two are actually fucking ridiculous. I'm not telling you her name or any other information for that matter."

Where would I even begin? If I ever had to tell them about the little brat, I'd have to weave a web of lies and quite frankly that's the last thing I wanted to do. Being dishonest always had a way of catching up to you.

I might not have been the happiest in the group but I surely wasn't a liar. The reason I was in a sour mood was because I couldn't stop thinking about Aaliyah.

I didn't want to behave in such an inappropriate manner but she pushed me to my fucking limit and I didn't even think I had a limit. Women never got a reaction out of me and she comes along and flips my world upside down.

If I could — I would've fucked her in front of all the students in that damn lecture hall. Making it known that I wanted her badly and that once I had her she was going to be mine regardless of the situation we were in.

For the first time luck wasn't on my side because she could've been anything in the world and she just had to be my fucking student. I remember the words of the chancellor on my first day.

we have a strict rule against professors having romantic relationships with students and you're quite the catch

It was clearly a joke from his end but I knew we really weren't allowed to fraternise with our learners. They'd fire me immediately, without any warning given. I probably wouldn't even be able to get another job for months.

"So there is a woman?" When I didn't answer he grunted. "You're really not going to tell us jack shit?" Aiden asked and I shook my head.

I flicked my wrist to check the time on my gold watch and hummed. "No." I said dryly while getting up and fixing my shirt. "I actually need to leave."

"We didn't even finish the game yet man." Thomas said and I shrugged.

"Sorry ladies. I've got shit to do." That was a damn lie, what could I possibly be doing at this time of the night.

"You're gonna do the mystery woman aren't you?" I fucking wish that was what my after hour activities consisted of but unfortunately I was still far from reaching that point with her.

My facial expression was one of disgust as I looked at my two friends who really were morons. I didn't say anything and grabbed my car keys off the table while I waved my hand in the air as I walked out of Thomas' house.

I decided to take the long route back home because I genuinely didn't want to be alone with my scandalous thoughts. Maybe I shouldn't have left but my friends were really getting on my nerves.

were they really getting on your nerves or are you just sexually frustrated?

Now I couldn't even feed my sexual appetite because all I thought about was her. If another woman had to approach me right now I would've probably said something harsh and told her to fuck off.

Eventually I reached my house and parked my car in the garage. I sat in the car for a few minutes trying to rid my mind of the thoughts of her.

She was like venom. Spreading quickly through my bloodstream with each passing second, only this kind wasn't lethal but it made me numb and when that numbness subsided all I yearned for was her.

It was like an addiction that just became worse each and everyday. Either I'd have to put a stop to this madness before it got out of hand or I'd give in just to get one taste — where I try to satisfy my intense need and risk possibly falling into a never ending trap. One where'd I continuously go back for more.

Either way I was fucked.


I didn't have any classes today but I needed to finish my work so I decided to complete it at campus. Most professors had an office to utilise if they had additional work to complete throughout the course of the day.

After an hour of working nonstop I decided to head down to the little outdoor café because I desperately needed caffeine. When I walked pass a group of women I heard them talking about a fundraiser that the university was hosting. This was the second time I heard about it but I wasn't going to attend.

Then in the distance I spotted Aaliyah, she was walking with her friend Katya and having a conversation. She laughed and leaned forward. I could only imagine what that laugh sounded like. They stopped at the café but I ensured I kept my distance.

I wondered if she was going to be at the fundraiser. This piqued my interest and suddenly I wanted to attend. I watched as Aaliyah ordered coffee, completely oblivious to her surroundings.

She wore a beige cargo pants with black sneakers, a beige long sleeve skin tight top that hugged her body so perfectly and a puffy black sleeveless jacket.

Fuck me.

Her hair was straightened today and the wind blew threw it, everybody else's hair was a bit messy but hers fell perfectly each time. Or perhaps I was too infatuated.

No. She was flawless. When the two ladies left the café I watched as they walked away. It was settled, I was going to that fundraiser because I had a gut feeling that she'd be there too.

Sadistic | 18+Where stories live. Discover now