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Chapter 51

"For reasons of precaution, you won't be able to see the precise designs of these blueprints but a prototype will be made for a demonstration for all the people in this room and see for themselves later on . "

"Of all the suggestions, we will implement Jay's plan and buy more slaves whether it is for labor or for forming an army . " Many here were unfamiliar with the term army .

John smiled a bit and said to Tornwall, "Tornwall . what do you think of these Blueprints? Can these be made with current materials available?"

Tornwall was very astonished after watching the Blueprints of Crossbow Ballista and Catapult, he never thought that a lever could be used in such a unique way in the form of catapults . He was even more surprised by the ballista however he didn't have time to be surprised and after checking out for a while he gave his honest opinion .

"I think these machines of war can be made from the forge provided by you and I am pretty certain that these weapons will change the landscape on how future wars would be strategized," Tornwall emphasized on these heavy words and said with a very serious tone to everyone present in the Hall .

Everyone in the room was surprised by Tornwall's use of these heavy words and his reaction .

However, from his reaction, they also understood the importance of these weapons and the importance of this matter . This also reaffirmed their thoughts that these weapons would be very useful in the future whether it was against the magic beasts or against other nobles .

Vlad was very surprised after hearing these words about those new weapons from Tornwall and he had quite a different reaction compared to others, he was very serious when heard it from him . He already knew about Tornwall's past but Tornwall's past was like a hornet's nest and that's why he never revealed it to anyone and poked on it unless it was required .

'As expected, he had a plan regarding the invasion of beasts, so it seems he wasn't as naive as I thought however he should still have kept these weapons a secret or maybe he is baiting others in this room' Vlad smiled and made some conclusions

'Anyways if he is that cunning then he sure is worthy enough to become my disciple . ' Vlad smiled happily and made some notes and thoughts on John at this meeting .

From this encounter, everyone in this room also understood that Tornwall would be one of the main men of John and chief leading engineer of North-frontier town .

Tornwall also understood that John trusted him enough after their previous encounter on his loyalty and it seemed that John was moved enough to trust him after observing his resolve .

This was a very modern crossbow which was made by combining the knowledge of both the worlds of earth and Sarah's world . Meanwhile, the Catapult could be started for production already however it would not be accurate but it would still be very effective .

"Okay, so it is decided that Tornwall will be in charge of the industrial base of the town, you will report directly to me . Every day the warriors will be trained by Jay in archery . While Josephine and Alan from Marquis Ray's knight order would be responsible for training them in melee combat . I have already prepared for their Training techniques and herbs required for the men . You guys only need to train them in combat and it would be better if you guys can also master the training techniques . We will end this meeting for now and plan for other things from tomorrow . "

Everyone later headed out and started preparing for the future events of the town .

Later on, Taylor was given the position of Head Butler of the mansion while Martha was the head Chef of the Mansion . They and all the slaves were allowed to keep their children near them from now on .

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