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Chapter 66

As soon as the men reached a suitable field in the wilds, they started to clear the surroundings and started to prepare for testing of the Ballista prototype .

When John watched all the commotion, he thought and said to Vlad and Tornwall, "I think we would need a permanent testing field for the future as it would be hectic to always travel such long distances and make our men do such a hectic job . This not only creates commotion but it could also jeopardize the classification of our important weapons . This also reveals the information on the current firepower of our weapons . "

Hearing this Vlad also raised his own opinion, "Well its quite true but it would still need to be kept a secret when it comes for the testing of new weapons . "

"However it would be more convenient to keep confidentiality if we have a testing ground .

And you can't forget the fact that the best you can do is to delay the relaying of information since most of the time, information is leaked one way or the other . "

Hearing this John gave his order, "Okay, it's decided, we will start the construction of our testing grounds as our next project . Tornwall next time you see Ryfon at the town, tell him to meet me at my Mansion later on . "

Meanwhile, all the preparations for the testing had been prepared,

Head of the men, Lopez was handling all the procedures came to John, saluted him and made his report to John, " Sir all the preparations are complete . We are ready at moments notice to start our testing procedures . "

After Hearing his confirmation, John then ordered him, "Good, We will immediately start . Give notice to all the men to be on their posts as we will start our testing procedures in 5 mins . Hurry up . "

Lopez blew a horn which signaled all the men to be on their posts and keep guard . Hearing this horn, all the men started to head towards their designated posts .

For a while, everyone was tense as this was the first time for many people to test such a unique weapon .

John signaled Tornwall as he started to handle the Ballista .

"Fire!" Roared John .

Everyone was tense for this first shot of the Ballista, some thought, like always it would be a failure, some hoped for success and while some like John and Tornwall were fully convinced that it will definitely work .

After watching its first attack, everyone was shocked which included Vlad,

The first attack completely destroyed a big tree which was 550 meters away from them .

The second attack destroyed a small terrain 600 meters away from them which created a very deep hole inside .

Vlad thought after watching the first attack, 'So that's the reason why he wanted to keep the firepower of this weapon a secret, it seems I underestimated this weapon a lot . So it seems what Tornwall said was correct but this weapon alone would completely change how the wars would be fought in the future because of its firepower alone . The range of this weapon alone is a terrifying asset . I wonder how magicians would feel after the introduction of this weapon'

Watching the reaction of everyone, John and Tornwall showed a satisfied smile,

John was especially happy after watching Vlad's reaction from how intently Vlad was watching the newly made Ballista like a young boy who found his favorite toy .

Tornwall said when everyone thought it was all over, "Wait, wait, It's not all over, Let me show you all my biggest asset after I made this weapon, this is one of the reasons why I took 5 complete days to complete this project . "

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