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"And you may now kiss the groom.." was all Felix heard before he felt the soft lips of his lover on his own. This was a moment he had dreamt of, they both had dreamt of for years now, and it was finally happening.

The cathedral started to roar with cheers, whistles and offers of congrats as him and his newlywed husband, Changbin walked back down the isle. Changbin then picked him up and carried him bridal style. A name fitting for the occasion.

They both were smiling ear to ear as the looked lovingly into each other's eyes. Passing by family and friends he gave thanks yous and nods of acknowledgement. Everyone was so happy for the young couple. But the joy was soon short lived.

Just as they approached the doors of the main rooms exit, they busted open. In ran men with large guns and other weapons strapped against their abdomens.

"NOBODY FUCKING MOVE!!" One of the men said. His weapon aimed at anyone who dared to flinch. Everyone inside went into panic, hiding under the seats and, if they could reach one in time, jumping out of windows.

Felix was too stunned to react. All his hope and dreams were ruined. His perfect day had been ruined by a group of men he hadn't even met. He looked over at his husband to find that the man held an emotionless expression on his face. As if he knew what was happening and who these men were.

"Binnie, what happening?who are these people?" Felix asked in a quiet voice as they both slowly started to back away from the doors.

"Shh, just don't speak and don't look anyone in the eye, we'll be fine baby don't worry.." he looked at Felix as if he was unsure of his words, desperate for Felix to cooperate. Nodding slightly, Felix held his tounge and continue to move with Changbin, keeping a tight grip on his arm.

Just as they were far enough to run,
a voice called out to them. Rough and raspy he greeted the taller of the two males in front of him.

"Why, hello there Mr. Seo glad to see you again." The man walked slowly as he stuffed one of his big hands into the pocket of his black trousers, the other played with his jet black hair as he held a unbothered expression.

"Mr.Bang....what are you doing here?" Changbin asked, voice sounding so much smaller than that of the other man's. Felix could feel his husband's body shake as he slowly pushed the younger behind him, this didn't go unnoticed by the intruding gentleman.

"Well...I just came to give my congrats to my baby bro, seems you've found yourself a beautiful counterpart...?" He peeked behind Changbin's back, finding Felix's glassy eyes looking back at him. Giving the younger a smirk and quietly humming to himself he continued to speak. "See Mr.Seo, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it seems like you owe me alot of .." stopping abruptly he rubbed his hands together and continued "money."

Changbin stood frozen and pale as if he had seen a ghost. The man in front of him just busted into his wedding, shot his guests and scared his newlywed husband over a few dollars? He looked back slightly to see if Felix was okay before looking back at the man in front of him.

"What do you mean money? I paid you back the money I borrowed...so what is this all about? You caused all this commotion at my wedding for what?" Rage was evident in his voice as he spoke. Felix slightly gripped onto the others black tux jacket before slightly shaking his head. He could see where this was going and he didn't want it to get to that point.

"Binnie, binnie, binnie. You should know by now how my system works." He walked closer and closer until his tall and built frame was right in front of the other males. "Its called interest and I never lend without interest. You owe me 6.8 million Changbin and I'm not leaving here until I get my damn money." His eyes glared holes through Changbin's face. Then he caught sight of the fluffy blonde hair peaking behind Changbin's shoulder and grinned. He had somewhat forgotten about the other male, seeing how quiet he was during this whole ordeal. He then came up with an idea, a sinister grin playing along his lips. Before he started to speak again.

"Or I can take something else in exchange...would that be better?" He asked with fake concern dripping from his voice.

"Like what?" Changbin asked wearily before following Chan line of sight, landing on his husband. Felix.

"HELL NO BANG, HES OFF LIMITS!" Changbin yelled pushing Felix to his side and holding him tightly.

Rolling his eyes, unamused he reach to the back of his pants and pulled out something that made both changbin and Felix hitch their breaths. "How about this?"

Changbin felt his heart drop as the barrel of the gun was pressed against his forehead. Chans finger already on the trigger.

Felix started to sob, tears ran down his face as he shook with fear. He had just married the man of his dreams not even 20 minutes ago and all of that was about to get dashed within 2 seconds.

Changbin looked at Felix seeing his face was covered in tears. It made it hard for him to hold back his own. Looking back at Chan his eyes became cold as he spoke.

"You can't have him. You will have to kill me first." Looking at Felix he mouthed a "I love you", a singular tear trailing down his face, while Chan laughed like a psycho in the front of him. To think his own brother would do this to him. Even if they were just step siblings. It broke Changbin's heart. He knew there was more to this than just the money. He just couldn't tell what.

The male in front of him smirked menacingly as he gripped the gun tighter.

"Be careful what you wish for...baby brother....."

Just like that a loud bang was heard throughout the building followed by a thud and the wail of a widowed groom in distress.

"Sometimes they may just come true."

A chanlix story
Coming soon

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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