Chapter 7

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Chapter Summary

Harry has some processing to do.

For the first time in months, Harry went straight home after work.

He bungled everything up.

Well, what would he expect, then?!

Peddling a wife and a boyfriend for months was taxing to say the least.

He felt stupid, for continuing to shag Ginny when he knew he was shagging Draco at the same time. But then, he felt guilty for shagging Draco when he was married to Ginny.

He should just go in there, and tell Ginny the truth. And get it over with.

He sighed, pausing in front of #12 Grimmauld Place. His own home didnt even feel like his home anymore.

Hell, he spent more time in Draco's cozy little abode than here! He had to tell Ginny about the babies.

But then she would kill him, for sure.

And then she would blame herself, maybe its me, blah blah. Then she would go on a tirade for ages.

Harry knew Ginny's temper more than anything else in the world. But the fact is, Harry loved Ginny.

Sure, they had their ups and downs, but he still loved her.

They had a special bond. Hers was the kind, gentle love. Not the inferno he felt with Draco.

Plus, they'd built a home, with family and friends and Harry was too much of a coward to destory that.

The Weasleys would never speak to him again, and Harry couldn't bear the thought.Ron would literally drag him to hell.

Hermione would forgive him, though, so that was a plus. And Luna always had his back. Speaking of Luna.

Instead of entering his house, he decided to pay his friend a visit.

He disapparated to the outside of the Lovegood-Parkinsons little abode, a cute little cottage on the outskirts of London, Luna's strange contraptions hanging haphazardly around the door.

Harry knocked, and moments later, a very round Pansy Parkinson appeared at the door.

Hatry coughed. "Evening, Pansy."

She grinned slyly, leaning against the door. "Well, well well, if it isnt Infidelity Potter in the flesh!" She said, and laughed gripping her belly as she did.

Harry's face turned the brightest shade of red.

He remembered Pansy was Draco's closest friend apart from Blaise, and it made sense for him to confide in her.

But still, Harry was embarrassed.

"Erm, can I come in? I wanted to talk to Luna."

"Sure! Just try not to be a prick like you've been to my best friend?" She opened the door, her big belly prominent as she stepped back.

Harry sighed, feeling even crappier.

Luna was in her workshop that connected to the side of her house, and it reminded him so much of her father's office where they had fought death eaters.

Those days felt like ages ago.

"Harry!" Luna said, taking off some strange contraption and setting it down.

"Alright, Luna? What are you doing?"

"Oh, just looking at some samples from the Occamys we are rehabilitating. It's a trial rehab so we have to be very careful not to scare them or they literally will destroy everything."

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