⊱Chapter 1⊰

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"Hello, I'm Caralyn." I say with a warm smile, pulling out some paper and a pen. "I will be your server for tonight. Can I get you anything to begin with?" 

"I'd like a margarita, and your number." my customer says.

I look up from my notepad with a questioning face. "I-I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I just asked for a margarita, and the number of the beautiful girl before me." he says, winking.

I stare blankly at him, and then turn on my heel and start walking towards the bar. "I'll be back with your drink in a minute."

 "I see you've got a new fan, Caralyn." someone says from behind me as I pour the tequila in with the lime juice. I can almost hear her smirk. She is my co-worker and childhood friend, Blaire. We had both gone to separate high schools, so the only time we could see each other was during the summer. Last year, we had both gotten jobs at a local restaurant, and we worked there together during the summers to make some extra money for ourselves.

"Ugh. Don't get me started." I roll my eyes at her.

"Come on, you gotta get a boyfriend at some point, girl! You've gotten so many offers from guys recently, but always turn them down. Don't you think you should stop being so picky and give them a chance for once?"

I wrinkle my nose in disgust. "Yeah, but I don't click with any of them, and it's not my job to hook up with guys. Besides, I don't have time for a boyfriend these days. I need to stay focused on my studies so I don't fail any tests." It was my goal to go to Stanford for university so I could pursue my dream of becoming a businesswoman. 

Growing up, I never really had a father figure in my life. My dad passed away when I was 5, leaving my mom to fend for herself. We didn't have much money, but my mom still tried to give me the best life possible. She worked 4 different jobs, and I always admired her for how hard she worked. As I grew older, though, I began noticing how much her work was exhausting her. I vowed that I would work hard in school and get top grades so I could one day take up a job that would allow me to give her a better life in return. I even scored a full-ride scholarship to an amazing private high school thanks to my grades and test results.

"Tsk tsk." Blaire frowns. "You work way too hard for your own good, girl. Do you ever have any fun?" she asks teasingly.

I grin at her. "I can never get away with having a boring life with you around." I finish making the margarita, and make my way back towards the guy's table reluctantly. 

"Here's your margarita, sir."

"What about your number?" he asks, smirking. 

"Sorry, I have a boyfriend." I say, making up a quick lie. 

"Is that so? Lucky him." He takes a sip of his drink, and I can see him checking me out through the corner of my eye. What a jerk.

"Are you ready to order?" I ask, changing the subject, and trying to ignore the urge to slap him in the face. 

"Hmm..." he briefly looks over the menu, and then says, "I'll take the Rotisserie Prime Rib."

"Anything else?"

"Yes, and a small Italian salad."

"Alright, I'll bring your meal over when it's ready." I reply, already walking back towards the bar to place his order. I feel his gaze on my lower back as I walk away, and that only irks me more.

"I'm home, mom!" I holler as I walk through the front door of our small apartment. 

I'm greeted by silence and pure darkness- I'd forgotten that she has night shift at the hotel on Tuesdays. Sighing, I set my bag down by the door and flip the light switch. Once my eyes adjust to the light, I pick up the groceries I'd bought on my way home, and walk over to the kitchen. I note that it's already eleven pm.

I whip up some Annie's boxed mac and cheese from my secret stash under the sink, and sit alone at the little table for two by the window. I wolf the food down while scrolling through instagram.

Stomach satisfied, I take a quick shower, brush my teeth, and then slip into my cozy bed.

"Caralyn!" my mom shakes me awake. "Doesn't your shift at Murphy's start at two-thirty?"

I respond with a muffled, "yeah, why?" my face still smooshed into the soft pillow. 

"Because it's already two o'clock, honey." 

"Crap." I shoot out of bed saying, "thanks, mom. I really don't know what I'd do without you." and run to my closet to pick out my uniform for work. 

A few minutes later, I'm in my uniform, and my hair is up in a French twist. I grab some toast for 'breakfast', and get the hell out of there. 

I run all the way down the stairs to the first floor of the apartment building, and make my way towards the nearest underground subway station. 

As I leap off of the final step into the station, an intercom comes in from the overhead speakers. "The tram for route 4 is leaving in 2 minutes. The next tram will arrive in a half hour."Shit. I couldn't afford to wait another half an hour. I was already going to be late. 

As I run towards the tripod turnstiles, I take out my subway card, and quickly place it on top of the scan pad. The second it unlocks the turnstile, I barrel through and hightail it towards the 'Route 4' sign. I can finally see the tram, and I sprint the remaining stretch of space between.

I crash straight into someone and stumble a bit, but I just shout an apology as I recover my bearings and continue running.

Just as I'm about to step onto the tram, someone gently grabs my hand. "Wait! You dropped this." 

I turn around, and my eyes widen when I see the most gorgeous boy ever. He carefully places something in my hand, and I gasp. It was my shiny golden bracelet! "Oh my god, t-thank you...so much! I would've been devastated if I'd lost this. I'm so glad I found you- no- you found me- I mean the bracelet!" 

He laughs, and his smile goes all the way up to his beautiful, blue eyes. I quickly look down, feeling my face turn red in embarrassment. 

"you're welcome," he says. "um, do you think we could maybe-" 

Just then, the subway doors start closing, and I shout, "sorry, gotta go!" and leap inside. He reaches out towards the door, but then drops his arm and just watches the train pull away. 

I see his beautiful blond hair sway slightly in the fast-moving air as he watches the tram disappear, and I can't help but wonder if I'll ever see him again. I didn't even get his name.

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