✰A New Hope✰

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         You wake up in the same cycle you've lived in for 2 years. It seemed like an eternity really. Every single day being the same. Every single week.

 Wake up. 


Get dressed.

Go to work. 

Get home. 


Get dressed


Play on your phone. 

Go to bed. 


    It wasn't the most ideal life, but you didn't really care for the most part. However, your own company was starting to not be enough. You needed something, someone, to talk to. To have the presence of. A pet maybe? No. It had to talk physical words to you. You really needed someone to drown out your inner demons. 

    Your family were hermits like you. None of you liked people, you mostly treated them like zombies. To be honest, your parents were so shut out, they avoided you mentally like the plague. Sure, they congratulated you on your accomplishments, but they didn't notice them until you shoved it down their throats. No one out in the real world interested you either. They were either too loud or just too nice. People really did want the accomplishment of having you finally open up, but I guess your award is something no one got to have, up until now. 

    You sat on the couch with your sixth cup of instant noodles that week, curled up in your childhood blanket. That was the only sort of comfort you got on your sad days, but you didn't mind. As long as no one touched you, you were ok. You glanced up at the screen after stirring your noodles for god knows how long, and you saw an advertisement you haven't seen aired before. It was for a little monster pet. Now THIS was interesting. You were thinking about getting pet rats, or even a kitten to keep you sane, but something that can TALK? That was that. Your collage fund? Non-existent. You weren't really planning on going to collage anyways, your job was simple, with no human contact except for your coworkers. They were quite quiet as well, so work wasn't all that bad. 

    On your next day off, you headed over to the city to acquire your possible new companion. Though the little creatures costed a pretty penny, the human world still didn't accept monsters fully. To your surprise, only one was left in the whole store. The cashier warned you ab his very aggressive behavior. Even with another Bitty present, he was extremely violent towards humans and was returned almost immediately after all four of his adoptions. Which, was quite understandable. Some human child just came and wiped out your whole race. You would be scared too. After some thought , you decided to take him, see what happens. 

    After the long, boring talk with an employee about how to take care of him, you left the store with a gleaming soul. You probably would've left him if something in your gut didn't tell you to keep him. You really didn't want to deal with an aggressive foreign creature, but I guess your spirit guide, or whatever is leading you wants you to get out of your very small comfort zone. You could already tell this lil' guy is gunna drive you up the walls. 

   As you setup this creatures little space, habitat? Whatever you call it. Anyways, as you put things in place, you heard a lot of rustling and grunts coming from the small cardboard box. I guess it was starting to get restless in that box. You didn't even get to look at it's face when you bought it, so when you walked over to that little white box, you had no idea what was on the other side. Was it a terrifying backrooms entity? Was it a bird? A plane? A- Skeleton? 

    When you lifted up the lid, all you saw was a little skeleton with a white one-piece with the number '56' on the sleeve. You were guessing it was it's serial number or something? The little skeleton quickly flinched and whipped its head up to the sudden bright light above. It's eyes were... something a little out of the ordinary. Oh, who were you kidding. You literally have a mini skeleton that's supposed to attack you, as a pet. But anyhow, it's eyes were both red, but the one eye had a heterochromia effect going on where it's eye was blue around the iris. Both eyes glowed a dangerous purple hue, but yet, it almost felt comforting in a way. You brushed it off as being a bit touched starved, and then you realized that you've been staring this poor thing down like a hawk. 

    You look away, a bit embarrassed. The skeleton looked a bit flustered, and a bit... scared? You couldn't describe the emotion on his face with words. Hell, you couldn't even describe your emotions at the time. It was so... strange and foreign. It was terrifying. You really regretted wasting money on this thing at this moment in time. You weren't used to anything new like this, you've barely had a civil conversation with anyone in your life. 

"Erm," you managed to whisper, "What's your na-" 

"Can it, ya bastard." the tiny skeleton blurted out, rudely interrupting you, " You're just gunna return me like the others, aren't ya'? Yeah, I know you are. Or even worse, kill me again. Just like the kid did. Don't utter another word if you know what's good for ya'." 

    You were very taken back. Did this 2'9 skeleton just... threaten you? You wanted to stand up for yourself and be the bigger person for once, but you just couldn't bring yourself to. You weren't scared of him, you just genuinely didn't have the skills or comebacks due to years of being non-verbal to the outside world unless if you absolutely had to speak. Plus, you didn't wanna get hurt in the very first hours of owning this thing, so you let yourself be mentally dominated by a ridiculously short skeleton. 

    You extended your hand out to it cautiously, wanting to take it to it's new home. For now, anyways. 

"Wh-What are ya' doin' freak." The skeleton eyed you extremely cautiously, not trusting you one single bit. 

    You didn't say anything, trying to play your life cards right. Sure, your life wasn't great, but you still had one to live at least. Though you tried to play everything correct, the skeleton got angrier an angrier with every second that it didn't hear a word slip out of your mouth. 

"Just tell me dammit! You humans are so stupid! You never have the answer do you?! You all are so repulsive, I hate every single one of you!" It spat with venom dripping from it's non-existent lips.

"You uh... told me 'not to speak if I know what's good for me'. I'm trying to be respectful of you." you say, as the skeleton mentally rewinds its memory and looks a bit embarrassed when it remembers its mistake. 

"Oughh! Stop making fun of me! Stupid, stupid human! I wish you never talked at all! It's all your fault I'm like this!" It yelled from still inside the box. 

Oh boy, this was gunna be a very long chapter in your book, wasn't it? 

Tiny Big Heart (A Bitty!Dust!Sans x Reader) REMAKEWhere stories live. Discover now