Alice in Wonderland Deleted Scene

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The Mad Hatter was leaning on the ledge of the White Queen's balcony and looking at the stars all by himself. Then Her Majesty came up behind him and gently cleared her throat to get his attention. He was so startled that he nearly fell over, but the Queen reached out, wrapped her arms around his waist, and pulled him away just in time.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Hatter. I didn't mean to startle you." The Queen said.

"No, no, no; all is well, Your Majesty. Truly, everything is fine." Hatter said as he stood up.

"Hatter, please. You must not always be so formal with me. Besides, there is only you and me here, no one else."

"I know and I apologize; force of habit."

Her Majesty giggled before she turned her head to look up at the night sky, Hatter doing the same. As they stared up at the star studded sky in silence for a good few minutes, Tarrant couldn't help but slowly reach out his hand to touch the Queen's; she blushed when she felt his fingers gently brush against her own.

"Mirana?" He asked.

"Yes... Tarrant?" She asked.

"Do you recall Mewni Day?"

"Like it was yesterday. That night was the Annual Masquerade Ball; the most wonderful, magical night of my life."

"Really? Mine too. Though I also remember it as the night I lost a shoe... and almost kissed you."

"I'm sorry, what was that last part?"


The two shared a few giggles before going quiet and looking up at the sky again. The Frabjous Day was almost upon the land and with this battle between Alice and the Jabberwocky coming up; neither of them knew what to think of any of this. Even with Alice's destiny to slay the Jabberwocky, would it truly happen like in the foretold prophecy or will Underland fall apart completely under the Red Queen's hostile rule?

They turned their heads to face each other with concerned expressions on their faces; they realized that they were thinking the same thing. Then Her Majesty reached out and grabbed the Hatter's hand; he blushed and looked her in the eye.

"I'm sorry I could never make any time for you, Hatter." The Queen said simply.

"No, no, my dear. I understand that royal duties must come first." The Hatter replied solemnly. "I'm only sorry I haven't made time for you."

"You know, ever since that first day we met as children, we have always been together; helping each other with anything that has come our way. But now...?"

"Now we are still here for each other. You are my best friend, Mirana; you always were and you always will be. And you must know that I will still stand beside you no matter what happens... even if Alice doesn't succeed in slaying the Jabberwocky. And I know for a fact that you would do the same thing for me."

The Queen smiled at the Hatter.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"For what?" Hatter asked, raising a confused eyebrow.

"For being you; even after all these years, you are still your sweet, spontaneous, caring, wonderful self. I could never have asked for a better friend."

"Nor could I. You are still the kind, gentle, optimistic young lady I have always known and cared for with all my heart."

That was when the Queen and the Hatter smiled at each other and wrapped their arms around each other in a hug, something they haven't done in a very long time.

"I've missed you, Tarrant."

"I've missed you too, Mirana."

"Remember: Nobody is a nobody..."

"...And everybody is mad..."

"...Like you and me."

Alice in Wonderland Deleted SceneWhere stories live. Discover now