chapter 1 Martha Kent's Passing

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I was in the middle of class doing one of my tests since it was just like any normal boring day in Metropolis. Well that was until I finished my test and my teacher had me get my things and pulled me outside of the classroom. The principal escorted me to the front office before taking me into my office. "Is there a reason I was called up here" I asked softly. "She's right here" Addison said softly. Addison is one of the receptionists who always backed me up whenever I got in trouble. Which wasn't very often but when I got in trouble it wasn't my fault. I'll leave you two alone" my principal said. "How could you not tell me about your advanced placements your 13. You're a Senior taking advanced classes and your brothers are barley freshman. Honey why didn't you talk to us about this we could have talked and been involved with this. Your principal called asking if it was fine to think about having you attend college level classes here. We got your file today I'm pulling you out of school because your father and I want to talk to you about your file and this alone without the boys at home" Mom told me. She was using her signature you lied to me tone. I didn't even argue with her and the car ride was silent. Why would they even care dad is always gone at work and she is always doing a story but they always have time for the boys. It might not be that much time but it's still more than they spend with me. I don't hate my brothers or resent them I'm actually close with my brothers. I help Jonathan with his football and Jordan with his homework when he needs help. I also don't really I'm not like my bothers Jonathon is known for his football and Jordan for his issues. I just do whatever I want so I build stuff like small shelves or stuff for my room. I really didn't like being in cars especially after the accident I hate being in a car. I would rather walk but mom always gives me the talk about being a young girl and walking home alone. I get tired of hearing her repeat it so I just give in which leads to her giving me a victory smile. We pulled up to the house and dad was on the porch but he seemed disappointed. It made me angry because he had no right to be especially after them ignoring me my whole life and mom had no right to pull me out of school just to talk. I grabbed my backpack and walked in through the door to the living room setting my stuff down and sitting on the couch. "You lied Astrid do you have any idea how big of a deal this is. Sweetheart we just don't understand do you not trust us are you not comfortable with talking to us about this. We just wanna understand why you never tell us when we asked about how your classes were or why you didn't have at least one class with your brothers" Dad said softly. His tone has disappointment and sadness in it. It made me feel guilty he felt that when he has no right to be any of those things but he did. "I didn't feel the need to" I replied. "Don't feel the need! Astrid this affects everything you do from now and for the future now I'm only giving you one chance. Why didn't you tell us and I expect the truth and all of it don't forget we'll know if you're lying" Dad said. I scoffed. "How" I said unsure. "Crinkle same thing with your aunt Kara:" Mom told me. "Plus when you lie you mess with your rings and reuse to look at anyone" Dad told me. "Also your anxiety skyrockets" Mom added. "Guess you pay attention more than I thought" I mumbled to myself. My dad lifted my chin making me look at him it wasn't painful and it was a gentle hold. "Star explain no stalling" Dad told me. He gently let's go of my chin and they both sit on either side of me on the couch. "It's just you and mom have been so busy with work and Jonathan's football and Jordan's mental health. I felt invisible like the things I did didn't matter so I didn't tell you because I didn't feel like you would listen" I said truthfully. I sink in the couch. "Star honey the things you do matter even the small things. We would have listened and made time for you and we really do try but you're drifting from us. Does this have to do with your andro-phobia" Mom asked me. "Andro-Phobia" Dad asked confused. "Fear of men" Mom told him quietly. I held myself closely as I slightly curl into her and dad felt hurt I could tell. "Star" Dad said softly. Mom gently pulled me in her side and I don't try to fight because I'm to tired to keep fighting how I feel. "We love you sweetie which is why you can't lie to us about things like school and your mental health especially your file" Mom sad softly. "Sweetheart your mother and I may be busy but it doesn't mean we don't care or you're less important than your brothers. We could have been here to help with the process tell us what is it that you don't trust us with" Dad said softly. I was gonna feel guilty for saying it but they need to know and they're asking so maybe I could let them in and trust a little. "No I don't trust you because my whole life I've been put last and it made me feel like you didn't love me. Not as much as Jordan and Jonathan so I stopped telling you guys things because wherever I did you would side with the boys. Sometimes you would do your bare minimum and go straight back to work not even talking to me about it" I said quietly. My throat was getting tight as I told them everything but was afraid of what they might say. They wrapped their arms around me. "Sweetie we love you all equally and we're so sorry for how we made you feel but we wanna fix this especially with you nightmare according to A.M.I (Advanced Medical Intelligence). You only had three hours of sleep this week and that worry's us So why don't you go and take a nap then we'll talk tomorrow or later tonight" Mom said softly. "Who's A.M.I" Dad asked confused. I roll my eyes. "Astrid made a program with her watch so they monitored her body when she got diagnosed with LLS because she didn't like having to keep getting poked by a needle to check her levels" Mom said softly. I grabbed my stuff and went to the tree house dad and I made when I was younger.

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