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Y/n's pov:

I just had the weirdest dream ever. I had this dream where my school was going on a field trip and then we all got kidnapped- it wasn't a dream. I woke up to the sound of my classmates screaming. They were all right outside the room staring at this big, blue, fluffy THING.
It had half of one of my classmates in his mouth. "I didn't like her anyways." I said. Very one scattered once the thing finished her. I noticed that everyone had boxes, except for me, so I just grabbed the one that the now dead girl had dropped, then booked it. The box had the blue guy on it, it was kinda cute not gonna lie.

I went into this one room that had a broken curtain and a table with a couple blocks on it. As I stared at the tables, I heard someone saying something through the intercom.

???: "you need to find my blocks an put them on that table. "

Y/n: "why tho." 😑

??? : "because I told you to."

Y/n: "What are you gonna do if I dont?"

Then the blue thing just spawned behind me.

I flinched then ran.
"Fine, I'll do it. " I sighed.

??? : "good."

I went into this room that had a couple of computers and papers everywhere. There were 2 blocks in it, so I grabbed them and went back to the theater.

3rd person pov:

As expected, you saw the blue thing there. Right as you were about to put the blocks down as quickly as possible, the blue guy grabbed you, but instead of doing what he usually does, (either eating whole, suffocating, or ripping head straight off) he just kinda held you like a baby.

Y/n: ummmm can you put me down?


Y/N's mind: should have expected them to not talk.

Y/n: can you at least not hold me like this. OOOO CAN I RIDE ON YOUR BACK!

Blue gave an approving growl then lifted you up onto their shoulders.

Y/n: awwwww you actually pretty cute, but I gotta find blocks or I'll never get out of here.

Blue set you back down and ran in the other direction. You took the chance to put the blocks you had on the table. When you heard the screams of one of your classmates, you assumed that it found someone. He came back about a minute later with a leg in his hand. You gasped before he pretty much inhaled the limb. You immediately turned around and went back to what you were supposed to be doing, finding blocks.


I know it was short but I have more plans for this story than you think. I'll make another chapter tomorrow so don't kill me. The next chapter might introduce green.
-Raccoon, out.

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