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As soon as Yu Yaoyao spoke, the only two men in the ward, one small and the other big, looked at her face at the same time.

She immediately squeezed a sentence out, “Well, I… I’m happy right now. I don’t want to be set free.”

Not only did Shen Yichong, who was squatting on the ground speaking gently to her son, looked back at her coldly, but even the heartbroken little bun sitting on the cot, who had been sobbing in a low voice, looked at her with some shock.

The men in the family looked at her as if she had said something out of this world.

Good! This is a good start for her! 

“Well, I mean—” Yu Yaoyao ransacked her brain for sentences she had read from the novel. “I don’t want a divorce.”

Shen Yichong stood up, frowned, and waved her off dismissively, “I can give you your living expenses all at once.”

He continued. “You said 5 million in this text message—I can give it to you this minute.”

Yu Yaoyao’s mouth gaped open. Am I following the plot of the book? 

In the original plot, she had swallowed sleeping pills, swindled 5 million from the male lead, and was finally kicked out of the family.

Currently, she had avoided taking sleeping pills, but she still can’t avoid the ugly plot development?

No, she won’t accept it! 

She cannot follow the original owner’s past, miserable road. She still has a lot of dreams from back when she was a snake to fulfill! Moreover, she has a lovely child now. 

Regardless of everything, she wants this cub! 

“I don’t want the money.” Yu Yaoyao shook her head quickly.

Shen Yichong immediately glared at her. “How much do you want?” He directly thought that she was unsatisfied with the current amount of money!

Yu Yaoyao looked at the little bun on the cot who had apparently grown nervous by the minute. He clung to the small tablet within his hands in a vice grip. His round, watery eyes seemed to look at the ground, but from time to time he secretly glanced at her while she was not looking at him. Afterward, he pretended to watch his dad, taking his little eyes off her.

From the moment she had spoken, the little bun had peeked at her at least a dozen times.

“It’s not about the money.” Yu Yaoyao raised her chin and looked stubbornly at the gloomy man in front of her… Holding the corner of her dress and biting her pink lips, she blushed and peered at the little bun to the side.

With him stealing secret glances, their sights finally collided with each other. The little bun’s little face immediately became a little scarlet.

“It’s not appropriate to talk about this kind of topic in front of the child.” Yu Yaoyao answered, raising her tiny face towards him, which was already covered with a tinge of red. And her eyes, like flowing, spring water, bravely looked into the cold, black eyes of Shen Yichong.

“But at this point, I want to admit that I am really, truly, in love with you, husband.”

Shen Yichong’s mouth hooked to a sneer at her confession. “Love me?” He squinted at her icily.

Throughout the ward, the temperature seemed to have suddenly dropped by several degrees.

Yu Yaoyao unconsciously lowered her neck under Shen Yichong’s dagger-like glare. But she still nodded and confessed with a tinge of embarrassment. “I did give my heart and soul to another man and ignored your feelings.”

“But even if I love another man more, you still hold a place in my heart!” She quickly supplied.

She looked up and saw Shen Yichong’s ugly expression as if he had eaten a fly.

“Shut up! I’ll take Shen Rui home to sleep and let my assistant accompany you!” Shen Yichong didn’t expect her to be so cheeky!

Unexpectedly, in front of their young son, she could open her mouth to say she liked another man.

“No, no!” Yu Yaoyao hastened to say, “I’m not finished yet!”

But Shen Yichong had turned around and squatted once more, defiantly putting socks on the little bun’s tiny feet. The little bun also had a dull expression on his face at the moment. He looked to and fro from her to his father in askance.

Yu Yaoyao gritted her teeth. “Shen Yichong! Five years ago until this day, my heart was only occupied by the baby named Shen Rui!”

[1] Transmigration: Raising the Child of the Male Lead BossWhere stories live. Discover now