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The staff members, the production team, and the cast on standby all looked on in derision.

“How many times do you think the director is going to make her redo the same scene?”

“I bet a hundred—At least, ten times.”

“You’re playing safe. I bet 150!”

“How about Miss Meng here? What do you think?”

Meng Xinran, who was supposed to have her break, stayed back to watch. She laughed and clarified. “I won’t participate in the bet, but I can provide some insight. If I were to do this scene, I would have to try at least three or five times for a good take.”

The surrounding staff nodded complacently when they heard this. “Well, this scene is not an easy one to shoot! I am already an adult, but to imagine snakes crawling on my body—I would still feel flustered!”

“I guess Yu Yaoyao is going to pee from fear, yeah?” One staff member laughed. “This matter is settled then, I’m taking out the last of my pocket money for the month: 250! She’s going to reshoot the scene more than ten times!”

Meng Xinran only smiled and stopped talking.

This scene with snakes— Though she trained in the performance department, she would still find it very difficult to accomplish it in one take, even after experience from two years of professional acting.

There was the challenge of the quickly changing emotions of the character written in this scene, which can only be conveyed through facial expressions. But the most fatal problem laid in overcoming their fear of snakes.

This was not a scene that could be done by a pretty face whose only strength was a potty mouth.

Even she had no confidence to act this scene out to perfection.

Yu Yaoyao, just wait to make a fool out of yourself again! She scathingly mocked.

“Sister, fight on!” Ni Yi cheered on Yu Yaoyao while still outside the filming range of cameras. His teeth itched at the brazen gambling happening beside him.

But his forehead was already drenched in sweat. It was apparent that he had absolutely no confidence in her.

“Lights, OK! Sound, OK! Cameras, OK!”

Director Li Bo waved his hand as Yu Yaoyao laid on the antique cot, pretending to sleep.

“Props leader, get ready! After the count of 3, release the snakes! Location: Edge of the bed! As soon as the props leader exits the camera, start shooting!” He ordered the production crew one after another.

“1, 2, 3, Action!” The clapperboard was finally clicked.

The props leader quickly took the snake cage. Wearing protective gloves, held the grass snakes inside, and promptly threw them on the antique cot where Yu Yaoyao laid.

Almost all the people present watched with bated breath.

The snakes were more than a meter long, with green and brown scales running down their back and yellow scales along their underbelly. Their fine scales looked cold and terrifying under the lights of the light reflector.

As soon as they were thrown onto the bed, the snakes curled into circles. They quickly lifted up their round, triangular heads and surveyed the surrounding environment.

But in the next second, the slender, cold-blooded snakes quickly made way to the sole heat source in their vicinity-  Yu Yaoyao, who slept peacefully in the center of the bed. They crawled in curves towards the only flesh that was displayed above the quilt: her hands!

Moreover, according to the script, she must only wake up and act when the snakes successfully climb atop her hand.

This scene made many women in the room cover their mouths in horror, and the male staff weren’t faring much better. They all held their breath, forgetting to breathe, and the expression on their faces was unsightly.

Thinking about it, this abominable scene wasn’t really suited for a normal person.

Meng Xinran smirked and took the mineral water given by her assistant. She held it towards her mouth to take a sip. Unfortunately, in the next second, she would hear Yu Yaoyao’s tragic screams followed by her trashy acting of weeping from fear…  hehe!

But not long after, the water bottle in Meng Xinran’s hand had been forcibly squeezed beyond recognition.

The chaos she was looking forward to did not happen!

Yu Yao surprised everyone. There was no trace of a scared expression on her sleeping face. Not to mention, she didn’t even scream.

The snake stayed on her hand for nearly three seconds. One triangular headed snake hesitantly opened its mouth, revealing the fangs inside. Yu Yaoyao still had her eyes closed but her delicate eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

Seeing from a distance, it could be seen that both snakes were atop almost half of her body.

She played completely in accordance with the script, especially when she frowned as she felt the presence of a cold, foreign body.

When the snake opened its mouth, Yu Yaoyao’s left hand moved slightly, almost letting the whole audience break out in sweat. Even Director Li Bo, who was behind the monitoring screen, was grabbing the armrests of his chair nervously at the moment.

If the snake really bites, I’m afraid this scene cannot be continued today! He frantically thought.

[1] Transmigration: Raising the Child of the Male Lead BossWhere stories live. Discover now