Untitled Part 1

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It was four in the morning, and he really should have been asleep. Gus sat up, massaging his temples, it's been too long. He's tired. That boy had drained all his energy. That boy...

What else was he supposed to do, it was Spectra afterall. Such a precious name. It's been five years. Five years of friendship, of growing up, of priceless memories. Spectra was his true friend, and he loved him. Gus was blatantly in love with him. It was obvious and pitiful. He felt gross, thinking of his friend in such a way. It wasn't awfully flattering, the way he followed him everywhere, doing whatever he says and bolting off to fulfill his requests.

At least he didn't seem to mind. Spectra wasn't the type to preserve someone's feelings just cus. At least Gus still posed some value to him. At least he knew him.

*time skip*

They were back at the palace after fighting the resistance. Briskly walking through the hall to report back to Zenoheld. Spectra barely said anything, he was like that when he was angry. Gus regretted the whole battle, he should have been better. Should have pushed harder, should have played a stronger game. For Spectra.

"We should have won that." muttered Spectra, looking forward, frustrated.

"The resistance won't be here much longer, we won't have to worry about them." reassured Gus.


Getting lectured by the king was never fun, he was honestly laughable in character, but his temperament wasn't. Spectra was above King Zenoheld, in attitude and importance, to Gus anyway.

"Dismissed" Zenoheld grumbled as he returned to surveying his little empire.

"Gus" Spectra got his attention

"Yes, Master Spectra?"

"Come with me now, I have something to show you."

He followed, unsure on what exactly his idol was talking about, but he didn't question, that'd be annoying. It was sunset, but you couldn't tell by the walls of the vestal palace. He felt it in his skin though, tired but pretty calm, and everything was nicer with, him. Spectra stopped at his door, pressing his id to the sensor. It clicked open and he strode in, Gus slipping in behind him. Spectra disappeared for a second then came back with a beat-up looking box, he landed at the balcony and ushered Gus to join him. 

It was a relief, being alone with Spectra, after the disappointment of the earlier brawl he needed something to lift his mood. He sat next to him and he took off his mask, revealing those soft blue eyes he rarely got to see, but it was always nice when he did.

Spectra sighed, slumping back into the bench, causing the tension in Gus's shoulders to dissipate.

"I found these a few days ago," said Spectra, tossing the box to his comrade. "They're the early plans I made for the ultimate bakugan, they reminded me of you."

"It's an art really," Said Gus, marveling at the scattered pages. "You could really do this, Master Spectra, we have all we need, although the perfect core would be nice, you really could rule over New Vestroia." he said, smiling slightly at his favorite's work.

"We could rule." said Spectra, "You can have that if you want, Zenoheld can't see it though"

"You think I'd risk our future?" Gus responded, suddenly taken back by the realization of what he'd just said.

"So you're invested," said Spectra, a smirk crawling into his lips.

He turned to Spectra, nearly turning red. "It's the power, that's all."

Spectra turned back to face the sun, closing his eyes and letting the warm reflection sink into his face. "Power, you know that's all I've ever wanted," he said softly, smile still glowing.

"I know," Gus whispered, embracing the lovely picture. The ruffle on his coat brushing against Spectra's, neither moved or did anything to change it. Neither said much after that. Just stayed there in each other's presence. Soaking in every precious second, savoring every breath of Spectra's cologne. The same scent he'd craved for years, so many moments playing on repeat in his head, triggered by the thought of this smug villain. Once Keith, now Spectra, Gus was the first person he told about his name, and Spectra was the one person he told about anything to, anything but his love.

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