Surprise Unconnected OneShot!

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"I'm so glad to be back home" Spectra mumbled, plopping himself into the bed that Gus had so neatly tucked himself into, messing up the blankets and Gus's focus on his novel. His voice was sleepy and unrefined and something only Gus knew.

He looked down from his book at the messy haired former warlord. His pink roots were growing out and the vestroian suns had smeared an inconvenient summer shade across the lower half of his face, damn mask.

It was difficult for Spectra to smile without looking like a total psychopath; a trick he learned being a cartoon villain. It was kinda cute, in the sense of a dog who totally decimated so much private property yet retains an innocent gleam about its insufferable presence is cute.

"Master Spectra..." Gus whispered off, more to himself than Spectra. But Spectra took it as an invitation to invade his personal space; scuttling up so they were at eye level then burying his face in his neck. (this is romance)

"You know you don't have to call me master anymore."

Gus looked personally offended

"I mean, I am the better brawler and all," he galavanted, smirked, "But, we're something like equals, you act like we're still, government workers... that's gross, I'm a rogue now." he teased.

"I guess it's less of a title" Gus sighed "It's just that Master Spectra is the man I fell in love with..." he shut his book, looking sly and self assured.

Spectra whipped out an instinctual smug anime smirk yet again, but he couldn't retain it for long after the bluenette's punchline rang in his head, becoming denser and less elegant along with his expression as each anti comedic second shimmied on past. The scariest grin.

"You're such a dork..." Spectra laughed, retreating his head back into his shoulder.

"And you're looking an awful lot like Joey Wheeler right now..." Gus razzed.

Spectra choked out a couple snorts, sounding like he was sick but at a low enough frequency that Gus could feel Spectra's lungs collapse a couple times. Strangely quiet.

His laugh and breath and whole demeanor slowed.

It was different since they left the Vexos. Spectra's new found casual affection put Gus in a state of psychosis. He wasn't opposed, but it was unfamiliar, within the context of a secret relationship, hiding your romance spewed out different when it came to the actual interaction. What was hushed and sacred was now slapped open on the table, like a drunken medieval pervert, and Spectra was a mostly sober man of class from the future.

"Spectra..?" Gus's voice was calculated, calmly prompting the next plot point in his irl cai chat.


"You're not comfortable are you?"

"What makes you say that?"

"I don't even have to look at you to see that neck strain..."

Spectra grunted in dismissal

"Besides, I never really considered you to be the cutesy type..."

Spectra backed up, not really sitting, not really slouching. "So what do you want me to do?" he was pissed, partially cause being called cute was an insult, and partially because acting like his haphazardly cuddly ooc actions were anything less than natural was even more of an insult.

Gus sighed, stretching his head back as he did so. He turned his eyes to Spectra, impatiently waiting for an answer.

Gus smiled.

"I just want you to be you, you don't have to put up this awkward display of affection, I really don't ever remember you as someone who gets all sappy and, and cute.

"I never did anything of the sort."

"You're hugging my arm right now, Master."

Spectra sighed, rolling his eyes he uncoiled his grip on him, never losing eye contact.

"You know Gus, I'm happy you're back, and I want you to know that."


"And you're right I don't want to get all touchy."


Spectra was quiet

"So what do you wanna do then?"

"I wanna play with your hair."


Spectra was taken aback

"You seriously can't have long luscious locks and deny me access..."

He toyed with the end of a curl, which was quickly slapped away.

"That's exactly what I'm doing."


"Because..." He tried to get away with a one word answer but Spectra's death glare said otherwise "It's my secret."

"You have no secrets."

"Well if I did you wouldn't know because it would be a secret."

A painfully audible breath of anger escaped the false blonde.

"Please, just let me have this, no other part of my life will be hidden from you if you let me have this-"

"You aren't leaving this room till I know."

His eyes of green became eyes of petty argument and inescapable doom.

Spectra's remained intimidating.



"It's because... it's a wig."

Guide to World Domination (Gus x Spectra)Where stories live. Discover now