Joy unnie's b'day

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This story is about 3rd March, Joy's birthday. Sorry, I'm a day late.

"Y/N-ie, I'm soooo happy, Joy unnie invited me at her party~!! I'll get to meet all the Red Velvet members. I'm the luckiest Reveluv in this galaxy."- Said my girlfriend Sakura. "And guess what, she asked me to bring you along!!" Now there was glitter in my eyes. "Does she know about me?"- I asked. "No, she just think that we are best friends."

Anyways, We both were so excited.

In the noon, I went to her home. We'd decided to dress up together. She stripped her clothes to show-off her sexy figure. "I love that white bikini of yours." I said while blushing. "And you know what Y/N-ie, your strawberry bra is super cute." She said while taking my shirt off. Hehe.

She gave me light kiss on my lips and then went to the wardrobe to bring her dress for party. 'Hey, what is this. I want it more.' I said inside my head. Anyways, we should get ready first.

"First lemme, color your lips Y/N-ie."- She said and brought her Cherry flower makeup kit. We applied her apple red lipstick with silvery lip gloss, Raven mascara and cheek and eye apricot puff. We wore the exactly same makeup. How cute.

Then she pulled on her navy blue frock with beady collers. Time for me now. Well, I was feeling a bit shy for the hot pants I'd brought to wear. Anyways, I pulled them on. Turned out to be sexy with a bit of my curves showing from down. I could see the redness on Sakura's face. She spanked my butt lightly. "Ahuh.." I did. "I'm sorry Y/N-ie, I was just surprised about when did you grow such a big butt." "It was always there!!" -_-

My peach crop top went perfectly with those hot pants. We wore matching bracelets which I gifted her on her birthday. We grabbed Joy unnie's gift. We both were looking perfect and cute.

We took the car, she drove and we reached Red Velvet's dorm.


Sakura hugged Joy unnie wishing her, followed by me. Joy unnie looked like a queen. I could see the super level excitement inside her when she was hugging other members. Even other IZ*ONE members were there too. What a lovely day! Especially for Saku Saku.

Sakura hugged Seulgi unnie and it seemed like she didn't wanted to leave her. Their lower body were so much in contact and the way they looked in each other's eyes! My heart was burning. I know this was childish of me on getting jealous even in slightest of things but still... Even Irene unnie won't like this. LOL. 

When she returned, she could learn about my unhappiness from my expression. She chuckled. "You're such a cutie. Lemme kiss you." I hesitated. "In front of everyone?!" "D'you wanna see some magic, Y/N-ie" "Yessh!", I said like a baby.

Saku clicked her finger and bboom! lights went out. I don't know how did she managed to do this. It was amazing. Before even I could digest how did she do that, she was already kissing me. Slow and gentle. We both held our mate's faces. Our eyes closed. Just feeling love. True lovers' cuddling day. Hehe.

We never know about the world when we are too engrossed.

Lights were already in and everyone was looking at us.

Chaeyeon, "Goshh! you never told us about you both."

Wendy, "They both look so cute."

Hitomi, "Kawaii."

Nako, "This is making me red too."

Wonyoung, "Naughty unnie"

Yuri, "Am I seeing what I'm seeing or it's just the side effect of watching a lot of yuri."

We only stopped when we noticed the comments.

"I really didn't notice when did the lights came in." TT I said. "So did I" said Sakura. "Bahaha, I ruined everything! I never should have dated you. Now you'll be in problem." I sobbed. 

Sakura also was in a sulken face now.

"No.. No girls, relax.. Nothing's gonna happen. We'll support you." Said Joy. Yeri continued, "Yes, no one will tell this to your company." "Sakura father figure, you're really romantic, hehe." Eunbi exclaimed. "Cheer up Y/N." ^^  Chaewon added.

I stopped crying when I saw everyone is good around me. 'You must have done something really good in your previous life, that you deserved so supporting friends.' I said to myself.

I and Sakura hugged in satisfaction and everyone clapped for us. Too dramatic! lol.

"Y'all are so supportive" I said. "Thank y'all." Saku said with her tears just about to spill.

Idols should be allowed to date, shouldn't they?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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