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( Guest were arriving we checked all the cameras . There were bodyguards . 

Than arrived and BTS )

kim and BTS )

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Than mom arrived

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Than mom arrived

Than mom arrived

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Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. - It's so beautiful ,  you really worked hard .

Yn- Thank you

Mom- yn ! Thank you for completing my wish

Yn- Hmm , cha eun take them to there room's .

*Y/n Pov*

Mom was looking really happy I was also keeping my happy face but deep down I was really unsure about this marriage, that incident had made it more worse I still didn't forget my dad I can't call Mr.Kim dad with my heart but I have promised dad to keep mom's happiness as my first priority and i can't break my promise this is only the reason I accepted this marriage.

*Authors pov*
Soon mom and dad were exchanging their VOWS

Priest: you may kiss the bride now .

*Y/n Pov*

I can't see somone else kissing my mom I
just don't want to be here.

Y/n: cha eun I will be coming in few minutes. 

Cha eun : where are you going y/n ?

Y/n: I am not going anywhere I am
the back side of the hall beside pond.

Eun: ok but come fast or else aunty will be worried for you.

I just nodded and left the hall soon I reached the the pond I looked up in the sky and spoke everything which I was feeling right now.

Y/n: (looking at the sky) dad how are you ?  I hope you will be fine over there, today mom married someone else.

Some tears rolled down from my eyes

Y/n: you will not belive appa but I made a friend her name is cha eun. I never trust someone easily but she is something else I don't know why but In a very short time she became really close to me .

I said this all which was in my heart from when I shifted to seoul I wiped my tears and made my way towards wedding hall as I don't wany mom to get worried for me. as I reached there cha eun came to me with worried expression .

cha eun : where were you ? did you cried ?

Y/n: I was just near the pond and No.

Cha eun : let's go your mom was worried for you.

I just nodded and went towards mom she was really worried about me I assured her that I am fine .

we met some guest . After some time all the guest left it was just mom, Mr.Kim, BTS, cha eun and me we all
decided that eun will be coming with me to Kim's mansion as it was already too late .

* Cha eun pov*

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* Cha eun pov*

I woke up from my sleep and searched for water but it was not there so I was going down towards kitchen when I heard some noises from y/n room so I decided to see if she was ok or not when I entered her room she was sweating like hell and was really shaking badly .

Cha eun : y/n what happened why are you sweating and shaking are okay?

She didn't speak anything and just hugged me tightly I guess she was having a nightmare that's why i comforted her and she soon fall asleep i was really worried about her she was shaking so badly I have always seen a brave and strong y/n but I think the side which she is showing outer world is not herself she is also just like me stronger to the world but softest from inside I don't know when I also slep beside her

My sleep was disturbed by sunrays hiting my face I woke up and saw y/n she was sleeping peacefully so i woke her up as it was time to get home and get ready to go office.

*Y/n Pov*

I was sleeping when I felt someone shaking me I got up and saw eun . I wished her and she greeted me back. we got ready and went downstairs and asked permission to go back home . After reaching I gave a pair of clothes to eun as her ho e was too far . We went to a cafe for breakfast as we were not in the mood of cooking and I have gave a week off to maids so there are no maids so we decided to have breakfast at cafe

Eun : y/n I think you are not the person which you show to the outer world you are showing the world that you are strong but the reality is that you are also soft from inside .

I was confused by her words but then I remembered midnight's incident she was true I am really not showing my real side to the outer world.

Y/n: you are right eun I am not showing my real side to the world cause I don't want to be betrayed again.

Eun : what do you mean? (She asked worried)

Y/n: actually first I was soft and I would trust people easily that why my ex freinds took my advantage and used me just for money from that day I don't trust people easily infact you are my first freind .

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