September 30th

22 1 0

Ꮇargaret's P.O.V

I had been locked in my mates room for 23 days. I counted by digging a line in the wooden door with Eleise's claws. The door was proofed. I couldn't break through no matter how hard I tried. Jake cane everyday and have me food. Is he was "busy" also known as experimenting with my friends blood or her friends. Either Ali Hanna and on a very very rare occasion Lucy can't and gave me the food. The door creaked. I prepared myself to attack. It would most likely be Jake. I got into a defensive position and he walked in, didn't slide the food like he usually did. I snarled Eleise threatening to take control. He had no food with him. I readied my fist. Jake smirked "now baby that's not going to help" he tilted his head to the side and was suddenly at my side my fist in his grasp. I pulled back but he was strong. He pinned my hands against my sides and roughly pressed me against the wall. I squealed and kicked out doing no damage.

Ꭺli's P.O.V
I sat shackled to the chair as Lucy inserted the syringe into my body. It felt wrong. I couldn't figure out why. I shook my head clearing my thoughts. Lucy looked at me curiously. "Stay still" she hissed. She had Margaret's and Jakes blood mixed in her body turning her into some mutant tiger wolf creature. It was September 30th I had been trapped here for four months and 23 days. A puppet to Jake. I slammed the syringe down. Lucy jumped back surprised. Hanna came running in and pushed me back against the wall. I tried to shift. Still no luck. That wouldn't happen until May 7th 2016. I raised a shackled hand and punched Hanna across the face. She stumbled back into Lucy who caught her unconscious form easily. I snarled a loud growl and pulled my thin wrists from the shackles with a little bit of pain and a broken wrist. It would heal quickly. I stumbled around going up the stairs till I heard screaming. I thrust open the door and gasped. Jake was raping Margaret. With a blind rage I sprung out and punched Jake who fell to the ground. My unbroken wrist throbbed painfully from the blow. I grabbed Margaret. "Shift" I whispered urgently to her. She changed into her elegant tiger form and nudged me. I jumped on her back and she took off at a dead run leaving Lucy chasing us and Hanna and Jake unconscious somewhere. We reached the pack house in about ten minutes. Soon Jak,Ray, and Layla were running out. Ray pulled me into a tight hug and clung on for dear life before moving to Margaret who was now a human panting and out of breath. She looked uncomfortable. Layla ran up and squeezed my legs. "Hey!" I said my voice raspy. Jak stood there looking uncomfortable. Looking for something familiar I flung myself at him and wrapped my arms around his waist. The world soon caught up to me. The pain the torture. The things he had made me do. All of it. I slumped down to the ground everything fading in and out. I had escaped. I was alive. I tried so hard to keep conscious. Margaret was sobbing into Ray's shoulder uncontrollably and Layla looked concerned. Jak was at my side asking me something over and over again. I couldn't make it out. I could only see what was going on in front of me but hear nothing. Panicked I clutched onto Jak's shoulders and tried to get away from it. From all of it. The sights. The images flashing through my head. The ground wobbling beneath my feet. This life. My old life. Everything. I fell into his lap everything finally going black.

Hello! I hope everyone is currently enjoying the story.:) I am going to do another time skip. A larger one. It will probably be late April of 2016. And I am extremely proud of this book. It's not my first book I've written but i think it's the best. So please comment anything you want. It's also my first time using dates. I think it's going well but anyways. I hope you are enjoying it!

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