May 19th Final Chapter

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Faith was much better and was back to her old self. Jake was dead. My father had thrust the blade into him. Yes I call them mom and dad now! Jayce was starting to move around again. He had at least cleaned the blood off himself. We were currently sitting on one of the beds in the infirmary watching Supernatural on the T.V. My most favorite show ever. Jayce was watching it for me. I don't think he enjoyed it. Whatever. I had popped popcorn and we were Sharing it.
"NOPE YOU ARE RUDE NO!!" I started yelling at the television. Jayce laughed and pulled me back softly.
"Your shoulder is comfy don't move" he muttered. Laughing I turned the show off and said "you need to walk. Come on" I stood up and dragged him outside. He limped a little as we walked to my favorite spot. It was a cluster of rocks that formed an over look. You could go under or above it. And it was surrounded by trees. I came here to draw or read or be alone.
"My favorite spot!" I explained turning in a circle and sitting under the rocks. Jayce sat down next to me.
"Let's play twenty questions or something" he said leaning back.
"Fine. Favorite color?" I said
"Mines red"
"Favorite animal?" I asked him
"Mine too. I've never had one. I really want one though" I sighed.
"Favorite book?" I questioned.
"I don't read"
"I don't like you anymore" I said with a laugh.
"Huh. Here's a hard one" he paused "do you believe in ghosts?"
I paused startled by the question. "Umm yes yes I do." I said
"Hmmm" he said and launched into another question. This went on for a long time.
"Were you raised into the shifter world?" I asked suddenly.
He froze. "No. I never knew my parents. I was always adopted till 3 years ago when I shifted. I was so confused. A rouge. Who was nice. I mean I think. She taught me everything about shifters. We got really close before one day she just disappeared. That was about a year and a half ago. I've been on my own since then" he said.
"Year and half?" I asked
"Uhh yeah" he said absently stroking his fingers through my hair.
"That's when I find out I was a shifter. And my friends Hanna and Lucy were taken."
"Hanna was the name of the rouge shifter!" He explained.
I was tired. The sun was started to set and none of this made sense.
"Huh" I said my eyes slowly closing. I saw a small smirk on Jayce's face. The ghost of a smile as I fell asleep on his shoulder. I felt his head lean against my head and I assumed he had fallen asleep. I let sleep envelop me in its warm blanket.

I awoke sometime in the middle of the night. The full moon shine brightly above me and Jayce who was still sleeping. I started to fall asleep again but a noise rustled in the woods near us. I sharpened my senses but found nothing. I shook Jayce awake.
"You hear that?" I whispered urgently.
"Uhh no" he said groggily sitting up no holding me reassuringly close to him. The sound came again.
"It's just a shifter deer. Look" he said with a small laugh.
"Oh sorry" I laughed my head falling on his shoulder. The shifter realizing we were pack soon left. Jayce's hand ran through my hair brushing through the knots and tangles. I sighed pressing up against him for warmth. Suddenly he used his hand and raised my head. I shied away from his intense gaze.
"Ali" he whispered.
"Yeah" I said back
"I love you" he said surprising me. Before I could say anything his lips were on mine. They were soft and sweet. He was gentle making sure I was ok. I smiled against his lips and my hand ran through his hair. He smiled too and soon we were both Smiling too hard to kiss anymore. I fell back against him my head on his chest.
"I love you too" I stated never feeling more awake.

The end!! What did you all think? I know it was kind of short but I am really proud. I will probably write a lot of the second book before publishing but I hope you enjoy this first one! Please comment ideas about characters and how they should turn out and give suggestions for new characters or new story lines! It would be a pleasure and I would love you forever!!!

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