New threat

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In Angel grove everything was so peaceful and quite....that was until a monster appeared out of nowhere. The monster and a bunch of putties ran through the streets taking things they wanted while causing havoc.

The monster laugh "that's it bring those to me." The monster said. Just then a male with messy brown hair in a green varsity jacket stepped up to the monster "Hey ugly!" He shouted. The monster looked at the human "who are you calling ugly?" The monster asked.

"You know what forget it." The human said reaching for a golden morpher. He then did a motion "ITS MORPHIN TIME!" He shouted. A green glow engulfed the male as a suit came around the human.

"The rumors are true!" The monster said in fear

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"The rumors are true!" The monster said in fear. The male grabbed the dragon dagger "that's right the green ranger is back and better then ever!" The green ranger said bringing the dragon dagger up into the air and stabbed it into the ground.

This caused a surge of lightning to fly at the monster causing it to yell in pain. The green rangers visor glowed as he disappeared right in front of the putties then appeared in front of them and with one quick swipe they were finished.

"Training failed." A voice said.

"Wait what?" The green ranger questioned as angel grove disappeared and the power rangers training room was shown "how was that a fail I defeated the enemies?" The ranger took off his helmet looking up to a levitating blue face.

"Connor you prioritized the defeat of the monster and completely forgot about the civilians." Zordon stated. Connor sighed rubbing his face "hey cheer up Connor it was still impressive that you defeated that monster that quickly." A girl in pink said.

"Thanks Kimberly." He said then hugged the female "wheres Billy?" He asked "I think he was testing a new gadget." Kimberly stated. Connor nodded "we all still going out for that movie?" He asked "yep, Tommy said he'd go over now and meet us there." Kimberly said.

Connor then powered down showing his green jacket again with black jeans and a pair of green apple jordan fives. Connor then threw his morpher into the air catching it. 

Time skip

The entire team came out of the movies "biggest waste of money ever. Of all time." Connor said holding his drink "Oh come on it wasn't that bad." Zack said. Connor looked at his friend and put a hand on his shoulder "you really forced yourself to say that one didn't you?" He asked.

"Yea..." Zack said. The other rangers laughed at the black rangers statement. Just then Connor got a phone call from his mother "I'll be back I gotta take this." He said then answered it "hey mom!" He started walking off.

"Yeah I'm fine I'm just out with some friends at the mo-" Connor said before a portal appeared behind the others "I gotta call you back." He said then jogged over to the others. They all waited and a white ranger stepped out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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