Blood Moon

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A hiss came out of Lisa when she was thrown with a strong force her back hitting a tree. She groans in pain as a single tear escapes her red bloodshot eyes.

A wolf stands infront of her with the blood moon behind it.

The wolf was strong, thanks to the blood moon giving it energy and doubling it size making Lisa stand no chance at all.

Lisa might be a strong vampire, a high ranked one but when it comes to a wolf during blood moon, it's zero chance. She won't win.

The wolf growled walking towards Lisa who was slowly and weakly crawling back. She's sure she just broke her legs from the throw.

Lisa opens her mouth, her two sharp fangs coming out. A sign showing she's not giving up yet as she's still fighting.

But then she couldn't crawl backwards anymore as a big rock blocks her way. She faced her back and returns to look at the wolf only to be met by it's strong paw, scratching her face with it's sharp claws.

Blood started trickling down Lisa's pale face.

"Jennie! Stop!" Lisa yelled as another scratch came in contact with her poor delicate face.

The wolf only growled angrily biting the vampire's shirt and throwing her again. Lisa tried her best to land on in a way her stomach won't get hurt, or hit something.

At this point, Lisa's going to be dead already without the help of a wooden stake on her heart.

The wolf, Jennie, is just too strong for her to handle.

"Arghh.." Lisa winces in pain, tears flows her face as she pants heavily, "Jennie.. please stop."

The blood moon is still visible but is slowly disappearing. Lisa heaved a relief sigh thinking it's coming to an end.

"Please.. it's me." Lisa says as Jennie walks nearer to her, her paw digging on the ground deeply.

"Get yourself together Jennie!" Lisa yells when the wolf ran to her and paw rising ready to hit Lisa again.

Lisa had her eyes close ready to take in the wolf's painful paw but it never came. That's when she realized, the blood moon faded. The once red blood moon visible in the sky is is replaced with a pale moon just like the color of her skin.

Lisa sighs again and completely lay herself down to the ground and closed her eyes. She was panting heavily and another series of heavy breathing can be heard infront of her.

Jennie stood there still on her wolf form gazing down at the poor vampire before completely changing into her human form.

"Oh my god.." Jennie's voice came broke as she slowly took Lisa's head onto her lap. "I'm sorry.."

Lisa coughs and smiles, "It's nothing.. This is nothing a bloodsucker can handle."

"I'm not joking Lisa, I badly hurt you this time." Jennie's eyes pooled with tears as she roam her eyes around her mate's body full of bruises and wounds especially her face which was scratched badly.

"It'll heal Jennie, I'm okay. I'm still good. Don't worry." Lisa reached her hand to Jennie's cheeks and gave her a reassuring smile. "Let's go home?"

"My pups.." Jennie mumbled, lips quivering.

"The pups are fine Jennie, I think I did a great job protecting them from an angry big pup." I tried to joke but didn't help as Jennie cries on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, l-let's go home." Jennie says cupping my cheeks and giving me a kiss on the lips before carrying me on her back as she turns to her normal wolf form.

Her fur is so thick and soft, white as snow. She ran slowly afraid to hurt me or afraid that I might fall.

I hugged Jennie's neck and planted a kiss on her back before closing my eyes as we run swiftly and carefully through the forest back to our home.

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