When you tell them you need a break

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Robin Arellano:

•He had sneaked into your room just to hang out and stuff when you told him you needed to talk.
• "Sure whats up?"
   "Robin a lot of shits happening right now and im sorry but i need a break i hope you understand."
    "Oh...Thats fine i guess..."
• This boy would feel super sad but tried his best not to show it.
• Still has hope that you will get together in the future when things get better for you
• Stares at you in class
• Its not awkward between you guys you still talk here and there between classes for a little.

Vance Hopper:

• You told him in lunch time at school when he surprisingly showed up you decided to just say it.
• "Vance i need a break." you said avoiding eye contact knowing if you looked you would see his angry dark blue eyes as a moment of loud silence passed. "The fuck? Why? I haven't done anything but be good to you."
"Listen its just that i can't handle whats going on with my life right now and your anger issues are the last thing i need right now. Please understand me."
"Fine go. I dont need you anyways.
• Would be hurt but didn't dare show it.
• Ignores you at all costs and acts as if he never met you.
• His room feels more empty and quiet without you making him miss you.
•Is high almost all the time

Billy Showalter:

•You caught up to him while he was delivering newspapers.
• "Billy wait! We need to talk!" you shouted as you ran towards his bike.
"Oh hi n/n! Whats up? Did i do anything wrong?"
" Im really sorry i just- I need a break from everything that's happening right now okay? Y'know with my brother going missing and all im very sorry but i just need to be alone for a while."
"That's completely okay and i understand. We can still be friends tho if you want?"
• Kinda hurt at the start but happy that you still have a strong friendship going on.
• Would still accidentally call you darling or love and would be super embarrassed after.

Bruce Yamada:

• It was after one of his baseball games.
you had left it to go on a date after it but instead he went to hang out with his friends. You two were arguing when it suddenly slipped. (lmfao im sorry this is the first thing that popped into my mind rn😭)
• "You cant keep doing this Y/n!" Bruce yelled at you clearly frustrated from this situation. "You know what bruce? I need a break from you and this shitty relationship!" You shouted harshly shoving him out of the way and walking away leaving him heartbroken and watching you walk the other direction.
• Tries to talk to you everyday so he can apologise but eventually just gives up after seeing that you dont wanna talk.
• He is miserable without you and Amy misses you as well.

Finney Blake:

• You were tired of him not being able to hang out at all and you wanted a break but what you didn't know is that his dad wouldn't let him.
• "Finney im sorry but i just need a break and i think you do too."
"No y/n you don't understand its my-"
"Im sorry finney but i cant keep doing this."
• Heartbroken
• Rants to gwen about how much he misses you.
• Stares at you everyday
• Tries to talk to you so you can understand which you eventually listen and end up being friends.

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