5. I like you

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"the Amortentia... what did you smell...? because I smelt you..."


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you let your bag hang over your shoulder and started walking to the exit of the classroom

your next direction was charms class, or at least that's what you thought before someone caught your arm in his hand stopping you

<I think we have to talk>

Harry said making you sigh

<sure, let's meet later>

you wouldn't stay mad at him for long, after all, he was one of your closest friends

<no, it's important>

he insisted before looking around, there was no one

the hallway was empty so the boy took it as a sign to do something he normally wouldn't

before you could realize what was about to happen

Harry leaned in and his soft lips met yours

your eyes widened and you stood still. a couple of weeks ago you would have paid all your galleons for this moment

however, looking at things and how they changed, you weren't so sure of it anymore

you used your hands to push him away by his shoulders

<what...? what do you think you are doing Harry?>

you asked surprised, a shocked expression on your face

a scared expression on Harry's face

<the Amortentia... what did you smell...? because I smelt you...>

he breathed out

your mouth fell agape in disbelief

you didn't pay attention to it earlier but now that Harry made you think about it, everyone would have expected you to smell him

but you didn't

you felt the same smell you feel when you're around, none other than Draco Malfoy

<I... I am sorry but what I smelt... was not you>

you answered before your eyes ran away from his figure

<Y/n please, don't do this to me. I know I was the first one to tell you I didn't like you back... I was wrong, today's class made me realize it>

Harry took a step closer and raised his hand to caress your cheek but you stopped him by catching his wrist

<don't do this. I don't know when or how but I moved on>

Amortentia | Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now