Chapter 1: Abandonment

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* ˚ There are no heroes, only villains exist whether in the worst of nature or only have committed evil deeds. ˚ *

Not another one!

The guardian watched as an AU shrivelled up, turning into a messy ball and pummelled to the floor.

It fell down on the ground with a small bounce, rolling slightly before coming to a complete stop. Ink's eyes were glued to it the whole time, there was no emotion evident on his face.

The artist has learned a new fact about the multiverse recently, it was not a pleasant revelation. There are two dangerous entities that can erase the AUs in an instant: The Destroyer and The Creators.

One was not more powerful than the other, they both had their unique, and ferocious ways of getting rid of something they didn't like. But, to Ink this adds more onto his burden of work, barely giving him any time to rest.

He was powerless to stop the creators from abandoning it's creation, just as he was abandoned once too.

With a small smile and wave, the creator left the fandom, most likely to never return again. Just like that, Ink was left alone with a pile of ruined paper crumpled on the ground.

Frowning, he glanced down at the belt full of vials attached to his chest. What colour should he take? He wasn't sure how to feel.

He didn't know whether he should feel hopeless. That it was time for him to stop begging the creators to remember him, when even he sometimes couldn't remember them.

Or maybe he should feel angry? Furious that despite all his hard work to make the fandom seem alive and fun, they still somehow manage to turn his efforts into futility.

Sadness also seems quite appealing to him. A slow but gradual process of desertion for the second time since his existence.

But most of all he felt like he should take a swing of confusion. He has no idea why they would turn away from a wonderful multiverse where they could use their creativity to their full extent.

A multiverse where they can create characters to do their bidding without it directly relating to them. A fun and enjoyable community that make up ideas and theories based off an original concept.

He ran his finger through all the vials, his eyes fixated on the crumpled papers. He took out all the vials that he had been thinking about, and sipped a drop or two from each.

Once he drank the respective amounts, coughing violently was inevitable as the overwhelming amount of emotions swirled and churned in his system.

The colours dripped down from the side of his mouth, staining his shirt and scarf. His eye lights were rapidly changing to different colours and shapes. Maybe it was best to not feel anything at all? A small voice in the back of his mind had suggested.

Ink glanced down at the white vial at the end of his belt, the contents inside of it were more filled than the others. It's a stupid idea, but unsurprisingly Ink is known for his idiotic ways.

He grabbed ahold of it, and took it out of its place. Ink can't remember what happened the last time he used it, perhaps that's why he didn't feel the need to worry about the consequences.

Taking a big gulp of it, he cringed at the blank taste, feeling the last bits of emotion wash away from his system. He blinked, his eye lights turning from an orange squiggle and a light blue tear drop into white, intimidating ovals.

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