chapter 22

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please vote in the comments if i should keep this like a long story or get to the end.

* 2 months later *
recap :
a lot has happened since ashtray put diego in the hospital. diego made it out of there alive and we started dating after 2 weeks.


* 2 months ago *
"babe stop noooo" i say to diego while laughing. " shhh nothings gonna happen it will be fine"  he says then starts quietly laughing, "XIOMARA VALERIA PEREZ VAS A VER AHORITA PENDEJA" *you're gonna see dumbass* i hear maddy say then getting up from her wet bed after we spilled water on it. me and diego start running downstairs and he grabs his keys "HURRY RUN" he says as we're both running out the door laughing our asses off. we got inside diego's car as we see maddy running out the door, but by that time it was to late and we were already pulling out of the driveway. we were still laughing and the happiest ever.

that was one of my favorite memories with diego. everything with him is ended though so it doesn't matter anymore, or maybe it did? i don't know, but he moved states so we just figured it wouldn't work long distance.

me and ash still have every class together so it's really awkward but he stopped talking to me about the whole bitch fit i had. i missed ash. maybe even more than i miss diego and i mean i did hurt the girl he was with too but that was different. right? i mean he never asked me out or anything but still. i thought we both knew we wanted a relationship with each other and thought we could trust each other. i was wrong.
"ok i will be making groups of 2 and i will be choosing your partners for this assignment." my first hour teacher says. "xiomara and ashtray you will be working together." we both look at each other awkwardly. why. is. this. happening. to. me. i thought maybe this couldn't be so bad? maybe a little awkward at first but after awhile it will return to normal. right? "well what are you waiting for? move tables with your partner" the teacher says. i start walking up and walking to ash and then suddenly bump into someone "oh shit sorry" i say "no it was-" i hear ashtrays voice while picking up my phone and our hands touch each other and then we look up at each other and he removes his hand. i was so embarrassed. WHY DID I HAVE TO BE SO CLUMSY OH MY GOSH. "my bad" i say to him and he just nods his head in response that it's okay. we finally finish class after working separately on different topics so i just walked out.

"mara." i hear ashs voice from behind me. i stop walking and think to myself should i ignore him? was this ok? should i just walk away? i finally turned around and look at ash.

the teacher was going on and on about some stupid project we gotta do. i really couldn't care. i give zero fucks. please shut the fuck up. oh. my. gosh. please be quiet. then i heard xiomara name so i started paying attention "xiomara and ashtray you will be working together." i heard the stupid fucking teacher say. we both look at eachother really awkwardly. why is this happening to me. pls tell me she's kidding. maybe i miss heard the teacher. please. do. not. be. awkward. if there was anything i hated more than nate it was awkwardness. i just kept to myself and hoping she would change partners but then i hear "well what are you waiting for? move tables with your partner." from my teacher big ass ugly white tounge crooked teeth lipstick all on her yellow teeth big mouth. i started walking to xiomara's table looking down at my phone when i suddenly bump into someone. "oh shit sorry" i hear someone say wait is that ? "no it was-" i started saying before i pick up a familiar phone then touching hands with xiomara. i take my hand off so fucking fast like if my life depended on it. "my bad" she says, what was i supposed to say? i just stare at her in awe as i'm nodding my head in response that it was okay. we each did different topics for the assignment then class ended. i decided i need some fucking balls. i. am. not. a. pussy. she starts walking out, "mara" i say to her before she turns around and looks at me. how could she look this beautiful just looking at me? seriously i was the luckiest guy in the world and i threw it all away. well that's not totally true. you see none of it is actually my fault.


*night of the party* (ashtrays pov)
"hey do you want a drink??" i hear a girl screaming from behind me. "yeah sure!" i yell back, "okk be right backkk" she says then walks away to get me a drink. i sit on the living room couch waiting for her to bring me the drink, i see her walking towards me handing me the drink then sits down "thanks it looks good" i say to her and she smiles and drinks hers. i drink like 5 sips of it before i started to feel weird, a little dizzy even. she starts to sit on me "how do you feel" she says then smirks and kisses my cheek. "i-i have a girlllfriend" i say drunkingly talking. then i see her walk in and well you know what happens.

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