Drunk message

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unknow: heeey if you're not ashton irwen or at least not Luke himmings theeen fuck off

HopeitsAshon: why luke hemmings for at least?

child: 'cause i laaave ashtooon

hopeitsashton: how old are you child?

child: 18888888

hopeitsashton: okeeey, are you drunk yes?

child: yees, today my birthday 

hopeitsashton: congratulations baby. what's wrong with Luke?

baby: Are you LUKEEE?

lukehemmings?: yes, if so. so why? what's wrong with Luke Hemmings?

lukehemmings?: heeey

lukehemmings?: are you alive?

lukehemmings?: well, you either died from drinking or fell asleep. good night or rest in peace.

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