The New Student

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Inside the school campus, students can be seen talking to another. Some are laughing, eating a bread, and others just walking around. But most students are waiting outside there classrooms lined up facing the flagpole upfront. Chase found his classroom at the middle of two other classrooms located to the 2nd floor.

"Huh, this is my classroom when I was in Grade 4!....good for me."

Chase said walking inside, putting his bag and his case on the seat and went back outside to join other students who are lined up. A few seconds later, an announcement was heard from the speakers.

The Speaker: "Good Morning Students! We are now starting the flag ceremony. Please have a moment of silence while we're waiting"

The speaker became silent for a few seconds. Chase look at his watch showing 05:59 am. "Almost time". He thought. A second later, the national anthem was played at the speakers and everyone sang in unison while the flag was being lifted up to it's position.
After the flag ceremony, they had a little exercise which made them feel energetic. The speakers announced again telling all the students to go back to their respective classrooms, and Chase did not hesitate to do so as he was the first to go back inside and went to his seat. Soon, all students are now inside their classrooms. Since they're still no teachers around yet, students like the usual routine getting the classroom to be messy making it like some sort of a tornado whirling inside making them scream and run around. Chase on the other hand, was at the back part of the classroom reading a book. Not being disturbed by the loud cackling and talking of his classmates. He was used to this so by making himself occupied, he just read a book or write on his diary, or just stare outside the window admiring the view from the top.

A few moments later, his classmates started to get exhausted from all the talking they had and decided to rest a bit before the school starts. A bell suddenly rung for 5 seconds indicates that school will now start. A teacher or adviser walks inside the classroom, putting his stuff on the desk and spoke.

"Good Morning Students!. Now before we call surnames to see who are present for the first day, my name is Sir. Rogelio D. Escalando. But I want you all to call me Sir. Roman. Roman is my nickname that only in this classroom can use understood?"

Students: Yes Sir. Roman!

Sir. Roman: "Now before we settle in, I want you to all meet your new classmate that will be joining us for the whole year."

Chase squinted his eyes to see whose the new classmate his teacher talking about. Later a student walk inside the classroom and went beside Sir. Roman with his head down telling he's embarrassed at front. He has a hair with the color combination of black and white, a skin which is almost pale, and blue eyes sparkling at the sight when he looked up straight to his classmates and spoke.

"Morning classmates, my name is Marshall Ford. I'm from Washington D.C. I got transferred here because of an incident happened and my aunt and uncle took me in. I'm still trying to get used to the surroundings I see. I always get bullied back then because of my skin and hair. They even try to hurt me. Please don't make fun of me. I can't stand the chance of me getting hurt by them. I have a lot going on right now. (At this point, Marshall is having a breakdown remembering the incident happened 2 months ago) I just wanted to feel that I belong here and not just a waste.

Sir. Roman handed Marshall his handkerchief and said;

Sir. Roman: Here Marshall, I know what incident you try saying it to us. If it makes you feel better, don't hesitate talking to us if you're feeling down ok? we're here for you.

Random Student #1: Yeah Marshall, you can talk to us. We got your back.

Random Student #2: Right, you are not a loss Marshall, you have us.

"All" of his classmates agreed to it. Marshall was very glad he's going to have classmates like this. He hopes it will last until school year ends. But one student caught his eye, squinting to the one at the back. He's..... still reading a book? But he's aware of what's going on. Marshall suddenly becomes uncomfortable. "He seems so serious". Marshall thought. "I hope I can be friends with him.

Sir. Roman: Now Marshall since all of the seats are taken, you can sit next to.......(sighs) Chase.

"Uhh, yes Sir". Marshall said. Now while the adviser (teacher) calls the surnames of every student, Marshall walked towards his seat. Hesitating if he should introduce with him.

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