Milan • Sicily

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Carina leant into Maya's ear, sucking on her lobe and whispering, "you have no idea what I want to do to you Maya Bishop".

"Don't you just love work on a Friday" Maya smiled at Jackson as they left their meeting.

"Everyone always seems to be in a better mood on a Friday, don't they?" he replied.

"Oh definitely. Lately I have been in a good mood every day like it's always Friday".

"Is that to do with a certain Italian maybe?" Jackson teased.

"Do you know what, I think you might be onto something" Maya tapped her chin sarcastically.

Jackson laughed, "are you still coming to the shoot this afternoon?".

"Ah I love shoot days" Maya danced on the spot, "actually, do you mind if I bring Carina along too if she's not got too much work on? She's new and I want to show her everything".

"Oh I bet" Jackson smirked, and Maya playfully rolled her eyes. "Yes you can bring her, I'll drive".

"Hello beautiful" Maya smiled as she walked into Carina's office and shut the door.

"Hi..." she said, rounding her desk and walking towards Maya.

"Okay so before you bend me over your desk and fuck me senseless" Maya winked playfully, making Carina laugh, "can you spare an hour or so this afternoon? There's a new shoot for a new line today and I want to take you with me to show you".

"Really? I would love that" Carina said excitedly.

"Great... Jackson is coming with us because he actually has to be there for his job" she laughed, "be ready for about 2, I'll text you" she explained, kissing her quickly, "I really want to stay but I have to get back to work". Carina pouted and Maya laughed, "I'll give you extra kisses tonight on our date" she winked.

Carina pulled Maya in close, "is this our third date?".

"Well we had dinner at my house, then the bowling, then the night Harper stayed. I'd technically say the bowling was our first proper date and the other two we're half a date so yeah... third date it is" Maya giggled.

"You've thought about that haven't you?" Carina grinned.

"I don't think about anything else besides you" Maya smirked, kissing her softly, "I'll see you in a bit baby".

"Have you guys got plans for the weekend?" Jackson asked as he drove.

"We're actually going on a date tonight" Maya smiled from the front seat, glancing back at Carina.

"Mhm that fancy Italian that Maya loves. Luca it's called" Carina explained.

"Oh yeah I know the one" Jackson nodded, looking at Maya quickly.

"Oh don't tell me she took you there too Jackson" Carina whined, making him laugh.

"Not to worry, I wasn't special enough to be taken there" he said, earning a playful eye roll from Maya.

"Good" Carina said firmly.

They walked inside the venue and could hear music playing, the sound of cameras flashing and people talking. They said hello to a few people and were shown the way to the shoot by a nice tall man.

Since they were so involved in conversation, Maya only noticed who was modelling once they stood at the side lines, making her freeze. Oh shit she thought.

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