Whole Hearted Decisions

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Song Recommendations for this chapter:
stuck On You by Giveon
Unthinkable (I'm Ready) By Alicia Keys
Myself by Layton Greene

~Jay's P.O.V.~

I slowly open my eyes groaning at the light shining into the window, I shift in my bed feeling the extra warmth next to me making me sigh. I glance over at the sleeping redhead next to me feeling a bit guilty for having her in my bed... I know what I told Jade but I have a feeling she's not going to choose me anyways so why worry about it? Why not just keep doing what I've been doing to get over her? I groggily slide out of bed sliding on my briefs and some sweats before heading to the bathroom, I shut the door behind me coming face to face with myself for the first time since last night. Watching that asshole put his hands all over her I fucking snapped... I wanted to beat the shit out of him.. to watch him bleed just a little bit. I sigh releasing my white knuckles grip from the sink splashing water into my face. Maybe she should just be with him, they both seem ready for it so why should I keep her locked down to someone like me?

I brush my teeth holding my gaze in the mirror not even recognizing who was staring back at me... I feel different without her by my side, I feel alone. Those two months were hard on me, I slept with countless girls trying my best to forget the brown-eyed fireball in the back of my mind... I don't even know if I meant what I said about being ready to be with Jade or if I was just saying it so she wouldn't go back to someone I knew would be better for her. I sigh washing out my mouth before heading back into the bedroom where the sleeping redhead remained, she's not bad looking and she wasn't too bad in the sack either but she doesn't make me acke the way Jade does. I quietly walk out of my room shutting the door behind me before heading down to the kitchen only to be met with all eyes on me. "What?" Charlie's ice-cold glare hits me shaking me a bit considering he's hardly ever seriously angry "Didn't you just see Jade yesterday?" I stiffen at the question giving a light shrug before making myself a cup of coffee.

"Jade is with Roman right now and he wants her to be his.." I mumble the last part taking a sip of the hot coffee letting the sting hit my throat and swallowing the pain "And you have the redhead upstairs so I'd say you're even if anything." Tom says biting into his donut "She had him first, they were kissing when I got there last night." Tom rolls his eyes with a shrug "Okay so she hooked up with this one guy that she always hooks up with when she gets the chance may I add so it's not a random dude and she's the worst but you've slept with half the city and you come off with clean hands?" I roll my eyes feeling my anger picking up inside me "I told her I would try-" Ian cuts me off walking in "Try being the keyword dumbass. She wants you to want a relationship not to want one just because she wants one." I drink the rest of my coffee with a small shrug "She'll make her choice and what the fuck do you care huh? You've wanted her your whole life so why don't you go after her especially now since she's fucking every-" Ian cuts me off connecting his right fist to my jaw sending me tumbling back.

"Hey!" Tom yells grabbing me before I'm able to hit back while Charlie grabs Ian keeping us apart "Don't fucking start this shit again! GROW UP!" He booms at us "Jay shut up about Jade because you know God damn well you'd go to the end of the earth for her. Ian... I know how you feel but we're done with this bullshit. We're brothers, we should be happy for him finally finding someone to love." He sighs releasing me from his tight hold "You need to figure out your shit man, you know what she wants.. what do you want?" Silence falls over the kitchen when the sound of footsteps comes closer "Um... Hey, some girl called your phone and said to call her when you can." The redheaded chick says tossing my phone to me before heading out of the house. I clicked my phone on watching the screen light up, I open my phone looking at the last number that called my phone...

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