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Bella:- I can't believe this
Elena:- What?
Bonnie:- Yeah that's the truth if u don't believe me then come to the masquerade party on Thursday to know all of it
Edward:- OK we will come
Aiden:- Yeah
Bella:- I can't
Elena:- Why?
Bella:- I can't leave Renesmee alone here it's dangerous for her
Edward:- Emmett , Jacob & Rosalie are coming tomorrow u can leave her with Rosalie & Emmett u know that they love her so much
Bella:- Maybe they want to go with us?
Elena:- No they won't don't worry
Bella:- OK
Edward:- Jacob is also coming
Bella:- Good then but he must be careful there
Elena:- Yeah so careful
Bonnie:- OK then bye see u on Thursday
Aiden:- OK Bonnie thnx
Bonnie:- U are welcome Aid


Renesmee:- Mom?
Bella:- Yes honey?
Renesmee:- Will u ever forgive my father & we will live all together?
Bella:- Why are u asking this now Rene?
Renesmee:- Nothing mom
Bella:- Renesmee?
Renesmee:- It's just today when I was studying online with my friends on school they said that I was the reason that u & my father separate
Bella:- No honey ur father & I are just mad at each other & we have argued about something so big so like that we are not friends anymore
Renesmee:- Really? What's it?
Bella:- I will tell u when the right time will come now go to sleep it's getting late & u have to wake up early tomorrow because there are someone who's coming to see u
Renesmee:- WHO!?
Bella:- It's a surprise
Renesmee:- OK ok I will sleep goodnight mommy
Bella:- Goodnight honey

On Bella Room:-

*Crying Bella*
Why is this happening to me? I can't do this anymore I have promised myself that I will never cry over him again & I will forget it Why can't I? It's been along time since I have think about him but today when Renesmee asked me everything I was closing it on my heart came out.

            Knock knock

Bella:- Aiden?
Aiden:- Hi
Bella:-  What do want?
Aiden:- Are u fine?
Bella:- Yeah Why won't I be?
Aiden:- I have just felt the some pain from u & I have known that u were crying
Bella:- No I wasn't
Aiden:- Bella listen...
Bella:- Stop it Aiden goodnight
Aiden:- ......

Next Morning:-

Elena:- U mean she didn't come down from yesterday?
Edward:- Yeah
Jacob:- She have to come down I will go & talk with her
Elena:- wait maybe she has that thing
Jacob:- We have to help her & talk with her before the other come
Edward:- OK Jacob I know she listens to u
Jacob:- Sure just take Renesmee out of here
Edward:- Sure


Jacob:- Can I come in?
Bella:- It's something important?
Jacob:- It  depends on the thing I want to talk about it
Bella:- OK come in
Jacob:- So?
Bella:- So?
Jacob:- C'mon Belles talk I know that u aren't coming down because of everything C'mon tell me what happened?
Bella:- It's just when Renesmee was talking about him everything comes back to me
Jacob:- So it's about him?
Bella:- Yup
Jacob:- OK Why don't u try to live ur life?
Bella:- What do u mean?
Jacob:- Try to get into new relationships
Bella:- U know that I can't I want to but my first responsibility is Rene & I'm not on the mood to get to another heartbreak. I didn't believe I have become strong & forget everything that has happened to me to become what I'm today
Jacob:- OK then come down as Bella Swan Cullen not Kristen Black Stewart
Bella:- ......
Jacob:- U are Isabella not Kristen & that who u always was but u weren't knowing ur identity till that day
Bella:- Yeah that's right
Jacob:- OK then come down everyone is waiting for u & don't forget ur daughter she needs u everybody needs u Isabella
Bella:- Fuck u don't call me that
Jacob:- *Laughing* That's the Bella I know
Bella:- Idiot
Jacob:- I will wait for u downstairs
Bella:- OK I will get ready & come down
Jacob:- OK

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