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Today is the day of the war. Everything is gonna change from today on. I don't know how I feel I can't describe this feelings.

Chris:- Are u ready dear?
Bella:- I'm dad
Chris:- Don't worry Bella Everything is gonna be good
Bella:- I hope so dad I want Everything to finish so that we can go back
Chris:- We will talk about everything later honey let's go now they will come soon
Bella:- OK


I walked downstairs & saw everyone I looked in there eyes & I have read there minds I know some were afraid but not for there lives but for the one they love. I looked at my sister Elena eyes I know me & her fought 3 days ago but when the situation will be about our family we will be together on it.

Chris:- Let's go now
Emmett:- Jacob & the rest have reached there
Edward:- That's Good it's our time
Angelina:- Alpha Aiden u & ur pack were supposed to go with the other wolf pack u can't use vampire speed we are gonna use it

Aiden:- thank u Luna but my pack &  I want to stay with my daughter at this time I will never leave her alone
Angelina:- ......
Elena:- Let's go now
Rosalie:- Yeah

Edward:- Welcome back Alice & Jasper
Rosalie:- *Hugging* We missed u so much guys
Elena:- *Crying Hugging* Alice, Jasper
Bella:- ......
Chris:- Dear Welcome back
Angelina:- Yeah
Jasper:- We are happy that every thing ends in a good way without blood or hurting now we can live in peace
Alice:- Bella I...
Bella:- ...... I'm going back
Alice:- Bella wait please wait
Bella:- *Crying*
Chris:- She's just hurt she will be good after sometime u know it
Jasper:- We are sorry we know we did alot of trouble for u & we have hurt u guys all alot for leaving all of u alone
Jacob:- No Alice & Jasper both u maybe u left in a wrong way but the reason was good it was for searching for evidence to help us not something bad so don't worry Bella will be fine soon
Elena:- That's good let us go back now
Chris:- Yeah

1 hour later......

Chris:- What are u saying guys? We won't let u go until tomorrow
Sarah:- We can't Alpha King Chris
Angelina:- My husband is right u will stay till tomorrow & this our final decision it's not a request but an order
Aiden:- OK as u wish we will stay till tomorrow
Angelina:- OK Edward take them to there room so that they can rest we also need to rest because all of us will travel tomorrow
Edward:- Sure Mom please come with me guys
Katherine:- Sure

Chris:- And all of u go & rest
Angelina:- Yes & Elena didn't u say u have something u want to say it to Damon?
Elena:- Sure mom I was just waiting for the best moment I will tell him today
Angelina:- OK babe
Elena:- Thnx mom
Angelina:- Bella dear u too go & have some rest
Bella:- OK I will put Renesmee at her bed
Angelina:- I will take her u go & have rest
Bella:- OK thnx mom. Goodnight everyone

1 hour later......

I was trying to sleep but I wasn't able so I woke downstairs to eat something because I'm so hungry I haven't Aten since we come back.

Aiden:- Bella what are u doing here?
Bella:- I felt a little hungry & u?
Aiden:- Same
Bella:- *Smiling*
Aiden:- *Smiling*
Bella:- I'm about to cook some pasta I will make for u too
Aiden:- OK

After eating......

Bella:- um... so tomorrow u will go back to ur pack house?
Aiden:- yeah & u will go back to folks
Bella:- Right
Aiden:- ......
Bella:- Don't u feel bored?
Aiden:- yeah a little
Bella:- OK let's do something fun
Aiden:- OK anything u want
Bella:- How about we watch a movie?
Aiden:- OK but we are going to wake everyone
Bella:- no don't worry we have a secret movies room here & no one can hear anything because it's against voices
Aiden:- OK then let's go
Bella:- OK I will bring some snacks & some drinks
Aiden:- I will help u
Bella:- OK

Bella:- OK what movie do u want to watch?
Aiden:- I have heard this afternoon Kevin, Katherine, & Sarah is talking about a movie which is called "After"
Bella:- Oh I have seen the trailer
Aiden:- Yeah they say it's good
Bella:- OK then we will watch it then
Aiden:- perfect

1 & half hour after the movie......

Aiden:- Um... it wasn't bad but also not perfect & it has two or three more seasons
Bella:- yeah
Aiden:- The guy did a mistake but he just take back everything when he fell in love with the girl
Bella:- Yeah right but he made many mistakes & he need to work hard to make up for them so that she can come back to him & forgive me
Aiden:- ......
Bella:- ......
Aiden:- Do u want?
Bella:- yeah
Aiden:- OK
Bella:- Don't u think u have drink a lot? U are going to be drunk
Aiden:- Don't worry about me I don't get drunk by a few glass I need at least 5 bottles to make me drunk but u are the one who needs to stop drink
Bella:- Don't forget that I'm a Tribrid I don't get drunk it helps adding more power to me it will he like a poison to anyone I going to kill when I bite them as a vampire u need five bottles to get drunk I need 20 to be drunk
Aiden:- Lets play a game
Bella:- What's it?
Aiden:- It's like truth or dare but if u didn't answer or answered wrong I have to drink but if u answered I will drink
Bella:- OK I like it Lets play
Aiden:- OK is Angelina & Chris ur biological parents?
Bella:- Of course why this question?
Aiden:- Because I have heard a story but I don't know if it's right or not?
Bella:- What's it?
Aiden:- That James & Megan were working with ur parents in ur pack & they kidnapped u & didn't tell ur parents
Bella:- right I have never even felt that I'm welcomed in ur pack anyway I always felt that I'm a lot but here with my pack I feel different I feel that it's really my long lost home
Aiden:- I'm sorry Bella really for everything I really hope that I get another chance to make everything right
Bella:- Um... goodnight we should go to sleep now see u tomorrow
Aiden:- But...
Bella:- ......

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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