Steal My Heart - Part 1

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It was 9 am on a bright Saturday morning. I let out an impatient sigh, as I stood at the bus stop waiting for my bus to arrive. It was late, as usual. Usually I would have been in bed, but I was desperate to get my hands on tickets for the Blondie concert and I had to get to the record shop before they all sold out. I tapped my foot, as I grew increasingly more agitated that I wouldn't be able to get there in time. But soon enough the big red bus approached.

As I stepped on and paid my fair, I realised it was already jam packed. Though that was to be expected, after-all living in London was never quiet.  The Saturday morning shoppers and tourists were always out this early, making everything far busier than a normal day. My heart raced and my palms felt sweaty, as I stood on the small crowded bus going into the city. There was nothing I hated more than being on London's busy public transport. The numerous bodies of my fellow passengers cocooned me, their heads, arms, and backs all making me feel immensely claustrophobic. Trying to forget about it all I lifted my head up and looked out of the window as the streets of London passed by, focusing my mind on getting those tickets.

Soon enough I found myself pushing through the busy crowds of shoppers, navigating the streets of London. I felt like a ball in a pinball machine as I bounced my way through the hundreds of people that stood crowding up the pavement. I usually avoided coming out during the Saturday morning rush, just because it was so overwhelming, but today I had no choice. As I made my way to the record shop, I couldn't help but notice the colourful, show stopping, window display of Liberty. The clothes in the windows were always so beautiful, stylish, and extremely out of my price range! I stopped for a moment, as I stared in at the window in disappointment, regardless of how magnificent the clothes were there, all I could ever do was look. I had to save practically all of my wages to just to get a ticket for this concert.

Just then I felt something jostle my bag from behind me. For a brief second I thought nothing of it. I just assumed it was just the crowds of shoppers carelessly bumping into me as they passed by. But as the movement continued I realised pretty quickly that something was wrong. I grew up in London, so I knew it was full of pick-pocketers. Especially here in Regents street, where all the rich people and idiotic tourists shopped. I reached back to my bag, grabbing the hands of the person who had decided to try to rob me, before turning my head to face them.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" I exclaimed in anger, now facing the woman whose hand was in my bag.

Her wide green eyes stared back at me in surprise that I had caught her. With my hands still on hers, I looked her up and down disapprovingly waiting for her to answer me. I couldn't help but notice she looked rather stylish for a thief. She wore a long black and white checked coat and her designer sunglasses hung from the collar of her blouse. As well as a silk scarf that covered her scarlet red hair and disguise herself from the world. Something about her told me she was no ordinary thief. She had an enchanting charm about her that captivated me from the very moment I laid eyes on her. I wasn't sure what it was, but there was something about her that was different.

"I um– ..." She stuttered nervously, her voice was shaky. She was clearly making an excuse up on the spot.

I almost felt sorry for her. After all I knew exactly what it was like to have no money. To have to result to stealing. My brother and I had done it all the time when we were children. We hadn't really got a choice, once my mum left, it was either that or starve. But once turned 16, I decided enough was enough. I was going to get a real job and get the hell out of there. I left it all thinking I would make something of myself, but 5 years later and there I was still in the same situation. A rotten, run down flat, with no money, barely surviving. But at least I led an honest life now. Or at that least that's what I told myself.

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