Chapter 2

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Authors note: *I know I was gonna update every Sunday, but technically it's still Sunday, and I want to write more so here you go!*

I woke up inside a bedroom. The bed was the kind of soft where it still holds you up, but you can sink into it. It was frankly one of the best beds I've ever slept in.
The blankets were soft and large, it kind of felt like I was getting hugged by a really fluffy dog. I reluctantly got up, figuring I'd better find out where I was.
I started looking around, I saw a window with beige curtains that were fluttering because of the soft breeze. I looked around the rest of the bedroom. The walls were painted a soft forest green, while the floor was a dark spruce color.
There was a giant rug on the floor that looked like moss, but when you touch it you can tell its just a rug.
I smelled something sweet in the kitchen, it was only then I realized I was hungry. My stomach growled like a hungry grizzly bears'. So I started walking towards the smell. I opened the door to the bedroom and was faced with a hallway.
I wondered the house with the smell of fresh baked rolls as my guide.
I eventually found the kitchen, it had light streaming in from two small windows.
The cabinets were made from what looked like to be the same wood as the bedroom floor. In the middle of kitchen was a small table that matched the cabinets. It had a soft yellow plaid tablecloth laid over it. On the table was a basket of fresh baked rolls and a little vase of daises. I sat down and started to devour the rolls. Tearing into a new one in an instant. The soft bread combined with what a presume to be a honey butter glaze. After I ate about another 3 rolls and my stomach no longer growled, I started to look around the kitchen more.
Both of the windows had a singular plant pot sitting in them. The window pot that was Infront of the sink was growing a beautiful flower. It was slightly pink, with touches of purple and blue. I couldn't help but admire it.
The other pot had some kind of plant growing in it. When I smelled it, it seemed vaguely familiar. But I couldn't quite put my hand on it.
I yawned and sat back down at the table, it was so peaceful here. My eyes started to feel a little heavy. I started back to the bedroom I woke up in. Walking through the hallway, barely taking in my surroundings. I slump back on the bed and pull the covers over me. I guess I'll just have to explore tomorrow then.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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