Chapter 10

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Everyone had went into the dining hall waiting to see what ms griffin had to say, sage was sitting with her friends getting ready to eat their meal. When ms griffin showed up and and looked at her students she knew they were going to be happy and bad about the news she will have to share.

Ms Griffin " silent everyone I have some news to share some good or bad"

Isaac " I wonder what she has to say"

Able " well by the tone of her voice she sounds serious"

Sparrow " what did you two do " everyone was looking Cassius and Tobias's who eating their meals and saying quite.

Cassius and Tobias " we didn't do anything"

Sparrow " sure"

Ms griffin " as you know we are helping in the fight against evil and it seems like alfea and red fountain, habs found out who have escaped ... it was valtor, the trixs, and the wizards of the black circle .. for the safety of everyone alfea and red fountain have decided to take some classes here"

Student 1 " what no"

Student 2 " I rather get taken to the omega dimension and left there with no escape home"

Ms griffin " look I know you all don't have the best relationship with the students there but please it for everyone else lives, you can al act civil towards them .. what do you all say"

Students " yes ma'am"

Ms griffin " in good news I will like to welcome back a former student of cloud tower, and now new teacher Roxana" soon Roxana showed herself and everyone was happy to see her.

Roxana " when I heard my old school needed help fight evil I decided to come, and help you all teach those fairies and hero's what we are made of ... but we all should be thank sage for stepping up to the plate and not allowing anyone to be talked down to" soon everyone was clapping for roxanna and Sage , as Sage was trying not to blush from the embarrassment. Dinner soon ended and everyone was getting ready to head back to their rooms and having some words with Roxana, sage wanted to have some words with Roxana but she seemed busy at the moment, so sage decided to speak with her tomorrow.

Roxana " sage"

Sage " Roxana it been a while"

Roxana " are you free to talk with me about something"

Sage " sure"

Roxana " good" sage and Roxana were talking in a hallway it was not lights out yet so sage had a good amount of time to caught up with her old friend.

Roxana " so what going on between you and Issac"

Sage " no Roxana not you too... who told you"

Roxanna " well there was jade, alastor, Tobias, and Cassandra, Cassius, ms griffin, Abel and sparrow... the list goes on you have become popular gossip around here and everyone think you two ill make a perfect couple"

Sage " I don't know I feel like there something between me and him but I cant tell, if it true of not and these weird dream im having where I see this man but I don't see his face"

Roxana " maybe the dream is pointing to your true love and sometimes there more then one true love, when it comes to heart you might be soulmates with Issac and you haven't seen him in this full self yet"

Sage " yeah maybe you are right I have feeling that issac keeps on surprising me over and over again, he a very nice guys and I might love him ... dont go tell anyone that because you and hazel are the queen of gossip around here"

Roxana " no we are not"

Sage " really before any couple was officially dating here the two of you knew it because of you powers, and you guys will faze threw wall or hear things far away"

Hazel " hey we need to know if it was true"

Sage " I knew you were ears dropping, and same goes for all of you" hazel soon came out of hiding with the rest of the gang, soon enough they were all looking at sage.

Jade " hey it a beautiful night right"

Sage " nice try jade"

Alastor " I my defense I want to go to bed  but they all made me come, shame on all of you for breaking our dear sage trust"

Everyone " traitor"

Alastor " me what how dare you all call me a traitor"

Tobias " your grandmother and aunts have these funny bets going on about couples, they made here and you know it"

Alastor " well yes but if makes you all happy im in some of those bets"

Roxana " It dose not stop after you get married, and it dose not help if your husband keep on making joes of these bets and helping making them"

Alastor " so we wont be seeing Doric when you are here"

Roxana " no he coming at the moment he dealing with some dark magic that had escaped the omega dimension, so start tomorrow we will have classes with our neighboring school ... goodnight everyone and remember show our school pride" everyone soon went back to dorm room and sage had gotten a video call from her siblings and she decided to answer the call, she soon saw her siblings and cousins there. They had talked with her over the video call for an hour before it was light out it seemed like the siblings and cousins were trying their best to fix their relationship with their younger cousin.

???? " dammit they are fixing their relationship with her our plan wont work anymore"

???? " oh yes it will my dear you see once everything peachy between the family soon enough we will hurt them where it hurts the most, by getting rid of their poor little sage and watch the joy from their worlds being taken away again"

???? " once that happens poor bloom will lose it and then we will take her powers when she down in her rut, and porr sky won't be the hero he once was in the past"

???? " what going to hurt the most to them is the betrayal that will come once they find out one of their own, gave us our dear freedom on exchange for poor sage life and powers"

???? " soon we will rule all of magical dimensions" evil laughter had filled the room as everyone was getting ready for the next attack that will be coming, who will betray all the magical dimension to get of one single girl. Who was that cruel and evil to sacrifice and innocent kid for their own selfish gain, and what will become of poor sage if the plan works and many other lives as well.

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