Chapter 2

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Sage had been avoiding her parents, sibling, and grandparents all day she was waking around the castle grounds, she was not alone she had her pet and dray and white wolf walking with her. The Guards and servants had give her a few looks but looked away when she looked at them. She hated people lookin at her she had stoped walking and decided to have a sit at the fountain, her Wolf named raven was playing with the water.

Sage " you are acting like you never played in fountain silly" raven had soon stopped playing making sage turn around and see her mother.

Bloom " hey"

Sage " hey"

Bloom " so who is this"

Sage " this is raven my dire wolf I will make sure she stays out to trouble around here"

Bloom " what your grandparents said last night was inexcusable"

Sage " pass this point mother I don't care enough of the magazines and news gossip about me and say bad things I don't care"

Bloom " you are my special girl you know I ..."

Servant " excuse me your majesty you are being called to an important meeting with the king and some other royal"

Bloom " I will be there shortly...."

Sage " go they need you more im good, come on raven" sage soon got up and walked away with raven following after her, it seemed lie their was more distance between mother and daughter then thought. Soon ran into her sisters and their friends who were her cousins as well but that was not important right now, she just looked at them.

Skylar " hey sis we are planing to go shopping why don't you come"

Bella " yes it can be funny bonding family"

Diana " yeah it will be fun and we can caught up on lost time"

Sara " while we are out there we can get her a better fashion taste and hair style... because honey you look like a witch you are suppose to be a princess"

Everyone " Sara"

Sara " well I didn't mean it like that im just saying if she cleaned up better she can get a boyfriend like a red fountain guy, and being the priciness everyone wants that why you parents made the school bring her home"

Skylar " hush Sara you don't know"

Fiona " hon Sara is playing around"

Sage " I know she not I can see people emotions thank you Sara, well go have fun you don't want a witch ruing you day out"

Michelle " oh come on she was just making small joke, she meant no harm .... You are really are the baby here"

Fiona " Michelle "

Michelle " what she been walking around here with these attudie of a witch, no wonder you family is ashamed of her she can't do anymore right"

Sage " ......" sage was getting mad and everyone could see the and clear sky soon had become storms, and they were soon joined my the brothers and male cousins.

Ryan " what going on here"

Michelle " I ... sorry sage I didn't mean it like that"

Ryan " leave my sister alone you witch you are nothing but bad luck to everything that comes near you"

Sage " I haven't done anything her and Sara are the ones who start it all"

Ryan " this is way no one loves you even your own parents wished they had another kid over you, the only ones who really love you are your aunt Daphne and her husband because they cant see that you are evil even their kids like you .... Only aunt bloom parents like you when they shouldn't because you are witch born evil"

Sage " don't you think I know that idiot that my own parents hate me and my siblings I know it since I was ten, and not new Ryan"

Bloom " what going on here with all the yelling"

Sky " sage control your powers now this is not proper behavior of a princess"

Stella " what going on here kids"

Sara " well you see I made come remarks on sage warble and she didn't take it well, and soon lead to tantrum and Michelle said someone and later on Ryan"

Brandon " really sage I thought you were better then this"

Sage " wait you are blaming me I didn't do anything"

Sky " watch you tone young lady"

Sage " mom and dad you do love me yes or no"

Bloom and sky " ....."

Sage " that my answer im going for a walk to get away from here, seeing that im not wanting raven we are going" raven had grown in size allow sage to get on her back and they soon took off, soon the realization of wha happened finally stuck in. Sage had soon got off raven back when they go to mountain top far away from everyone else, she loved being alone when she was home it was better this way.

??? " hey can we join you here" sage soon looked up to see her cousins Diana and Tony standing there they soon sat down with her either one of them saying anything, they could tell their baby cousins was being pushed towards her limits.

At the cattle

Daphne " she asked you two a easy question and you two could barley answer it, she asked you if you love her and you both stood there quite"

Bloom " we didn't..."

Daphne " im still talking here bloom im not done yet, why even inviting her home if you are not going to try to be there for her is it fun game to you all"

Sky " we made mistake we know"

Throne " no mistake can be fixed easy this wont baby cousin, now look your relationship with her is even more destroyed congratulations you have become like your parents"

Scott " we can go find her and ...."

Daphne " your cousins are on it they seem to understand her more then all of you, if you don't fix it now this might be the last time you see her ... I sad that I know more about her life then you bloom"

Bloom " I want to fix everything"

Musa " we all do"

Throne " well you all better wish for a miracle or you better gett ready to have one less child that talks with you"

Tony " we are home oh hello"

Bloom " where sage is she okay"

Tony " she in her room she went to bed I think, well she lucky that break will be ending soon"

Diana " you all were once my heroes and now I don't know how to feel, you all hatw witches but there were times when you own them your life" soon everyone went home but sky and bloom were still upset about everything, sage had a few more days here she was hoping it will end quickly. She was not the only one feeling horrible her frieds and classmates were going threw the same as her.

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