Accepting It

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The triplets and you were having a dificult time in the Catalina Island with all the chaos that happened. Chris hasnt come out of his room in the past 2 days. Meanwhile you Matt and Nick have been trying to have a good time.

Nick: This is getting way out of hand

Y/N: I know

Nick: I mean now you two are dating and Chris just found out and is devastated. Why Y/N? Why Matt? Just why???!!!

Matt: Bro why do you care so much? We like eachother and we are dating now is it a problem?

Nick: Yes!!! Chris is our brother Matt... BROTHER! And we basically betrayed him.

Y/N: We? As in all 3 of us?

Nick: Yes.

Matt: But you didint do anything?

Nick: Yes i did.. I got involved and helped you two get through this bullshit situation!

Y/N: Oh cmon you did not! And if it helps, you helped nothing.

Matt: Yeah i mean you helped nothing! Its like you werent involved almost!

Nick: Very funny. I basically kept a secret from Chris too you know.

Y/N: Yeah.. we know..

Matt: How are we gonna get him out of his room?

Y/N: Has he eaten anything? Even drank water?

Nick: Yes but only when we are out of the house or when we are sleeping. Ive seen him out eating alone.

Y/N: Thats depressing...

Matt: Wow

Nick: Yeah and its all our fault..

Y/N: Ugh this is so hard

Matt: We can try to talk to him again.

Y/N: I think ill go alone this time.

Matt: Okay.

Nick: One of you better go. Again.

Y/N: Okay okay.
*Y/N opens up Chriss door*

Y/N: Chris?
*Chris is on his phone ignoring her*

Y/N: Chris cmon.

Chris: Go away.

Y/N: No cmon im trying here. Just give me a second.

Chris: Okay. Seconds over bye now

Y/N: Chris?
*Y/N looks at Chris with a begging look*

Chris: Fine. Sit down

Y/N: Thank uuuu

Chris: But make this fast

Y/N: Why? Are you in a hurry?

Chris: Yes i dont want to talk to you alot so hurry.

Y/N: Oh um okay fair enough. So um- im so so so sorry Chris.. this wasnt my intention at all. I didint even know i liked Matt until we um- well kissed.. Sorry.
*Chris looks at Y/N with teary eyes*

Chris: Its not that seeing you with him happy hurts me because i love seeing you happy no matter what, its the fact that you guys lied. Especially you. I loved you Y/N. I still do. I dont know if i will ever stop.

Y/N: Chris. I will always love you too. Its just that my love for you has changed. I have- um- fallen out of love with you..
*Chris looks down at his hands sad*

Chris: I know. I guess i understand.

Y/N: And you will always be my first love. No matter what. You will always be super important to me. More than Matt can even be. But things have changed and we got to accept that.

Chris: Okay.

Y/N: Hug?

Chris: Um- i dont think i can hug you still.

Y/N: Oh un- it's totally fine yeah.

Chris: Yeah.... Um- so- you guys are uh- dating now? Like a couple?

Y/N: I guess you could say that yeah. Pretty much.

Chris: Uhm okay. Wheres Matt?

Y/N: Outside.

Chris: Call him in please.

Y/N: Um okay.
*Y/N goes to find Matt and leaves him and Chris alone*

Matt: Hey man

Chris: Yeah hey

Matt: You okay?

Chris: Um hah- not really?

Matt: Look man im sorry i really am. If it helps for you to not be mad at Y/N is that it was all my fault i mean i started this in the first place my telling her i liked her.

Chris: Thank you.

Matt: Im really sorry.

Chris: Its okay. I understand now everything.

Matt: Oh ok.

Chris: But um if you ever hurt her.. we will have a problem.

Matt: Hahaha. Dont worry.

Chris: Take care of her. Shes very special. She is to me still.

Matt: Thank you man.

Chris: Anytime.

Matt: Im gonna head out. You wanna come with us to the beach?

Chris: Yeah! I gotta take a showe though..

Matt: Oh yeah man please do! Ew!!
*Chris laughs and throws one of his shirts to Matts face*
*Matt leaves the room and Nick enters unexpectedly*

Nick: Btw, just so you know i am deeply sorry also i never meant to lie or to be supporting anyone in these decisions and i tried to get out but it was hard. I dont fail my people but in this case it was hard please dont be mad i was only g to trying to help and if you have the desire or wanting feeling to kill me now then i suggest to please do and get it over with and thank you because i feel like shit-

Chris: Nick!! Its okay.

Nick: Oh- good gracious thank god! Great.

Chris: Now get out and let me change.

Nick: Okay okay!

The triplets and you went to the beach and had a great time. It was later that night and you and Matt were out in the terrace looking at the stars.

Matt: You okay?

Y/N: Hm? Oh yeah. Fine.

Matt: Was talking to Chris hard for you?

Y/N: It was yeah. I didint know he loved me so much and that i meant so much to him. I mean we were just two crazy teens crazy for eachother.

Matt: Well Y/N theres no reason for anyone not to love you.
*Y/N looks at Matt smiling*

Y/N: You know, after all, it works out in the end. Dont you think?

Matt: Yeah i guess

Y/N: You guess?

Matt: Yeah i guess?

Y/N: Ugh hahaha stop!

Matt: Okay i guess

Y/N: Stop guessing!!!
*You and Matt laugh*

You guys were still watching the stars and eventually kiss. Although Y/N was feeling a little guilty still, she enjoyed being with Matt. But there was something wrong. Something wasnt right. She was confused. And feeling out of place in some way.

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