Alot of Sorry's

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Chris got you home. It was the next day. You woke up in Chris' bed

Y/N: ugh owww my head... shit!!

Chris: here
*Chris hands you a advil*

Y/N: Thanks.

Chris: Mhm

Y/N: What happened.. wait.. why am i in your bed?... Oh shit where are my clothes???

Chris: Washing themselfs

Y/N: Did we????

Chris: No.. you just threw up alot..

Y/N: Ohh. I got carried away didint I?

Chris: Yeah you could say that

Y/N: Ohhh how bad was I?

Chris: Pretty bad...

Y/N: What did i do??

Chris: You yelled, tripped, cried, and you knew about ne and Madi....

Y/N: Oh shit.. Chris I-

Chris: I know..

Y/N: I just- im not comfortable with you and Madi together. And i just cant seem to get past you in a way.

Chris: Why?

Y/N: i dont know you just moved on very fast

Chris: And you didint?

Y/N: Well.. that's different

Chris: Look i get it. Now you know how i felt when i found out about you and Matt.

Y/N: Oh.. well im sorry.

Chris: Its okay.

Y/N: Wheres Matt?

Chris: Lets just say you broke his heart

Y/N: Shit shit shit!!!

Chris: Yeah.. Nick and Madi went out to get you hangover things.

Y/N: Oh okay.

Chris: Here have my t shirt.

Y/N: Thanks.

Chris: No problem! Now go find Matt please.

Y/N: Right okay Bye.

Chris: Bye
*You go to find Matt*

Matt always had a hiding spot for him to be as a escape. You exactly knew where. You climb to the roof of the house. You see Matt sitting there at the edge.

Y/N: Matt?

Matt: ...
*You sit next to Matt*

Y/N: Matt..

Matt: Save it Y/N i dont wanna hear it. You were pretty clear yesterday.

Y/N: Matt in sorry.

Matt: Not enough

Y/N: What do yo want me to do Matt?

Matt: Oh cmon Y/N lets not

Y/N: Matt please im sorry. I felt weird with the idea of Chris and Madi together. I mean you know how it feels when your best friend goes to my ex!

Matt: I dont

Y/N: Yes you do dont bullshit me!!!

Matt: I dont! Y/N you are my first ever girlfriend.

Y/N: wha-

Matt: The thought of losing you makes me crazy..

Y/N: Matt-

Matt: If i lose you to Chris... Ill kick myself everyday

Y/N: I didint know that im sorry.

Matt: Yeah well. Now you know.

Y/N: Matt look at me
*Matt looks at you*

Y/N: I wont leave you for Chris. We are done. I dont want him i want you.
*You kiss Matt*

Matt: Promise?

Y/N: Promise.

You lay your head on Matts shoulder. Its later and Madi drops by. You were in the kitchen alone.

Madi: Y/N..

Y/N: Hey Madi.. Hi

Madi: Y/N im so so sorry

Y/N: Please dont

Madi: No but i really am im serious!! How could i do this to you? You are my best friend. Chris is your ex!!

Y/N: Madi its okay! Ive accepted it.

Madi: I love you really.

Y/N: Me too girl

Madi: Sooo isint Chris hot or what!

Y/N: Im not answering that!

Madi: Oh cmon im right!!!
*You hang out with Madi*

It was night and You, Madi, Chris, Matt and Nick were in the couch all together. Chris and Madi were cuddling and You and Matt were cuddling.

Nick: YAYYY im so glad everyone is okayyyy!!!
*You all laugh*

Nick: Now im alone

Y/N: Oh cmon Nick you will find someone who will love you.

Nick: Yeah i guess. But i already found people who love me so thats enough.

Everyone: Awwww

Chris: That shit was so corny brooo

Madi: shut up Chris

Matt: Yeah holy shit so bad

Y/N: Heyyy

Nick: Fuck you!! I hate you guys!!
*We all laugh*

You guys all hang out together all night no problems. You were all happy for once!

The End.

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