Chapter 1

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Two kids got prepared for something. A black haired boy put on gloves. He opened a closet door, put on sleeves then grabbed two fighting sticks and put it on his waist band in a form of an X. The boy's name is Ray. He faced a girl next to him, she was putting up her H/c hair into a bun/ponytail. Her name is Y/n, she grabbed a bow and a few arrows and three daggers.

The both ran down the halls until Ray and Y/n stopped and saw jewelry. Y/n grabbed two rings, while Ray grabbed his jewelry. The both put on masks.

The both jumped off the roof while it's raining and ran towards the mountain. They sneaked around the halls with fire stick lit.

Ray stopped walking which made Y/n pause. Ray faced Y/n and they both nodded at what he meant. Ray checked if there was any traps set up, he touched a stone which made a rope try to trap him, but luckily Y/n pulled him in time. Y/n gave him a concern look if he was alright, which he nodded.

"Looks like someone's trying to be clever" Ray said pulling out a Tuk Tuk.

He tapped on him which he revealed his cute self "aww" Y/n stared at Tuk Tuk.

"Alright, Tuk Tuk, let's show ''em what clever really looks like" Ray said as he rolled Tuk Tuk under all the traps.

Tuk Tuk stopped besides a bug, he got distracted and ended up chasing it "Tuk Tuk!" Ray whispered yell, "come on!Focus!" Y/n said

Ray whispered "come on Tuk Tuk don't you want to impress Y/n" which Y/n didn't hear but Tuk Tuk did. His eyes lit up and focused on going under the traps. "Thank you" Ray thanked.

Both Ray and Y/n crawled under the ropes "Hey, bud, that was awesome. Give me some shell." Ray said pulling out his hand for Tuk Tuk to do the same, but rolled forward because he couldn't reach.

Y/n picked up Tuk Tuk "I got you" patting him on the head which cause him to giggle. That made both Ray and Y/n to chuckle.

Ray stared at the entrance door and started to examine it. It had holes on it, Ray pulled out his two sticks and stick them into the holes. He turned them around and opened the door.

There was a river falling down the stairs, Y/n and Ray glanced at each other and nodded. They took off their shoes and walked in, they scanned around the room and quietly walked up the stairs.

There, revealed Sisdatsu gem. All that's left of her.


Y/n looked suspicious around the room "Wait a second, this feels too easy." Y/n said facing at the door then back at Ray.

They both faced back at the gem while facing a man. "Chief Benja." Ray started "I know it's your job to try and stop me, but you won't" Ray said with confidence.

"Don't mistake spirit for skill, young one." Chief Benja said coldly "I promise you will not set foot on the dragon Gem's inner circle. Not even a toe"

"You might wanna take out that blade of yours. You're gonna need it" Y/n said

"Not today"

They got ready to fight, Ray pulled out his sticks while Y/n pulled out her daggers. Ray try to run past him but he blocked him with his sword. Ray and Y/n try to attack from a different angle but each time it was blocked by Chief Benja, step-by-step we were struggling more. Chief Benja charged at Ray which made him trip of a rock "Ray!" Y/n shout at him. He gave a nod that showed her that he was ok, Ray got back up and Straight up attacked Chief Benja while Y/n trailed as well. Both attack him one bye one sending hits Ray distracted Chief Benja while Y/n came at him and kicked him in the gut, which made him stumble a bit back. The fight had gone on for a few more minutes until Chief Benja knocked out Rays fighting sticks off his hands, then Chief Benja came and attack Y/n which he threw her daggers as well. Chief Benja tripped both Ray and Y/n , pointed his sword at Ray and tapped his nose.

"Like I said not one foot on the inner circle." He removed his mask "you both lost"

"Did we?" Ray said staring at Ray with his toe on the rock while Y/n had her whole foot.

"Ray & Y/n" Chief Benja stared at both with amaze "I probably should have said two feet." he pulled up Ray then Ray pulled up Y/n.

"Hey don't beat yourself up too much, Chief Benja."Y/n said "you gave it your best" Ray said smirking.

"I won't" He chuckled And it's either "Father" or "Ba" to you." He pointed out to Ray "and will you can call me "uncle" Y/n". He said which made Y/n smiled.

"You did good dewdrop. You passed the test" he put both hands on both Ray and Y/n's shoulder. Both looked behind Ba and saw Sisu's gem.

"Wow" Both said, Ba chuckles "The spirit of Sisu" Y/n said staring at the glowing gem.

They all stepped into the inner circle and kneel down and made a circle ⭕️ with their hands above their heads. "For generations, our family has sworn to protect the gem." Ba continued "Today you both will join that legacy."

He cupped water in his hands "Ray, prince of Heart, my son. Y/n daughter of formal F/n, you both are now a Guardian of the Dragon Gem." Ba said poring water on top of their heads. The water floated up to the Gem and circled around it. Ba leaned in closer and wrapped his arm around Ray while Ray wrapped his around Y/n, while blushing.

(ノ ˘_˘)ノ ζ|||ζ ζ|||ζ ζ|||ζ

Hey y'all, im here to say that in the story Y/n calls Chief Benja "uncle" because he thinks as her as family, we'll soon to be. Byee, hope you all enjoyed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )──*:・゚
So do you think Ba notice Ray blushing 👀 ?

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