Chapter 2 - Chubby boy

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'Seriously, this girl is way too avid. But, It's somewhat intriguing, dragging someone you just met like that... Although, the warmth of her hand earlier and her enthusiastic expressions. Was gentle and...' Zen stared at the girl who was scanning together with him.

"What? Is there something on my face?"

"Uh, no, nothing, anyways, let's continue looking for it."

"Don't forget, Lily Boengard, Lily, Boengard! Make sure you don't miss a single number since I am sometimes a bit of a clutz." The girl exclaimed at him while smiling.

"Yeah, yeah, you already told me earlier. So you don't need to say that again.."

"Can't help it, Hahaha!"

'I guess it was not that bad. I was able to take the rare opportunity of experiencing the so-called Youth,' Zen thought as he grinned for a bit and returned to using his index finger to scan every name on the student lists hanging outside the first-year classroom doors.

"I guess we're not in section one and two classrooms, too," Zen uttered as he touched his chin.

"So this would possibly mean we are either on section three or four. Let's hurry."

"Alright, Let's go! Let's go!"

"Keep your voice down. There are already students inside every classroom."


"Mmmhmm... Ah, there it is." Said Zen as he pointed at the numbers thirty-four and thirty-five on the section four student's list.

"Thirty-fifth seat, Zen Yamashita, and thirty-fourth seat, Lily Boengard."

"What an incredible coincidence, high five!" Exclaimed Lily as she waved her hand toward Zen.

"Uhh, yeah.. high five."


"Nice!" Lily exclaimed

"By the way, Zen, were you born in Japan originally?"

"Yeah, I also attended grade school there until I was seven, then immediately transferred to this country because of my dad's work, so I barely remember anything about my hometown."

"It seems bothersome to transfer to other countries with different cultures you need to adapt to."

"Nah, not really.."

"I see.."

"By the way, It's nice to meet you, Lily." Zen bowed at her as a greeting.

"Oh! nice to meet you too, Zen!" Lily bowed back at him.

"Let's quickly enter before we hear some footsteps."


Zen opened the back door of the section three classroom with a loud *Creak* and entered. Lily followed suit.

They immediately looked at the fascinating interiors and designs as they entered the classroom. Thirty-five chair desks have symmetry on both columns and rows. Perfectly balanced opened sliding window where students can easily view everything from the outside, a blackboard having uniformity along with the grey colored walls, a large marble colored locker that was placed further behind the thirty-first seat, and the brown burnished table in front of the board blending with the chairs.

"Wow, the classroom seems tidy and well-designed!" Lily exclaimed as she stood close to Zen.

"Indeed... It is rather impressive."

'The thirty-first seat is still left open. I wonder if the person assigned to that seat is still late or absent,' Zen pondered

While they were both still examining the classroom's contents, an unwelcoming atmosphere suddenly struck them both.

There, Zen and Lily became aware of the glares and annoyed expressions from the other students. Of course, Zen didn't mind it, but Lily, on the other hand, felt that the students laughing loudly and making topics with their friend groups only stopped because of them.

'Haa... these kinds of people again..' Zen thought as he wore an irritated look on his face.

"Uhmm, let me hide behind you, Zen, please... I'm not good with these kinds of situations.."


Zen then decided to close the door scornfully.


After slamming the door, it made the other students jolt, and because of this, they started whispering bad things about him.

'Good... They switched their targets...'

He stared at Lily and said, "Let's just go towards our seat. Look, it's close to the door anyways, and also, don't lose your enthusiasm that quickly. It's not good for your mental health."

"S-sorry..." Said Lily as she nervously adjusted her eyeglasses on the bridge of her nose.

*Step, Step, Step*

Lily and Zen approached the thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth seats on the fifth row.



Both of them dropped their bags on the chair's backrest as they sat down.

Suddenly, a bald chubby boy that was on the thirtieth seat which was in front of them turned and whispered, "Waddup, you two, don't mind those freaks. I was with them when I was still in middle school. They always make fun of anyone they can catch their eye on." as he showed Zen and Lily a smile.

"I see, thanks.." Zen uttered as he folded his arms.

Lily only awkwardly nodded at the chubby boy in front of them.

'It seems like Lily immediately loses her enthusiasm when encountering a situation like this.' Zen thought as he stared at Lily

"W-what? Y-you think that I'm weird now, do you?"

"Not really."

"Hahaha, you guys are so perfect together." The chubby teased them.

"We just met, dude.."


"Ahh, got it, got it... Well anyways, nice to meet you both. I'm Keith Liverton. I might be chubby, but don't let my appearance fool you. I'm an extrovert. So expect me to talk to you later after our homeroom finishes."

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Zen Yamashita. I hope to get along with you guys for the rest of the semesters."

Keith then opened his eyes in awe.

"Oooh! You're Japanese?! I can't wait to brag about this to my parents!"

"I only lived in my hometown for a few years... And please don't brag about this to your parents. I'm just an average high schooler."

"Nah, I'm totally going to brag about this!" Said the chubby boy as he excitingly smirked

"Well, suit yourself... I'm telling you this right off the bat. I barely know my language since my dad taught me Cnidarian and English instead of letting me learn proper Japanese at an early age. But, for sure I still remember some Japanese letters, words, and etiquette."

"Uhuh, I see. I will keep that in mind!"

"Oh, and what about you?"

Lily awkwardly dazed at them and did not respond to anything.


"Haa..." Zen sighed as he got close and whispered something to Lily

"It's fine. You know that it's fine to bring out your enthusiasm from before."


"So-sorry, sorry, I was just anxious about what happened earlier."

"Is that so?"

Zen then stopped whispering and sat right back in his seat.

"What are you guys whispering to each other?"


"Hrmm?? I see.."

"Oh, and it's alright if you feel awkward about introducing yourself to me. I'm perfectly fine with that! But, I reassure you, I will go back and ask for your name repeatedly for the sake of getting new friends!" The chubby boy exclaimed as he playfully smiled at Lily

After Lily saw the boy's joyful attitude, she felt relieved that they encountered a friendly person.

She resolved her will and decided to introduce herself to the chubby boy.

"I'm Lily Boengard, and I aspire to help those who need assistance and give to those in need."

"Hoho?! That's inspiring! I hope you can achieve that dream starting today!"


"Oh, and nice to meet you too, Keith!"


But, suddenly, loud footsteps could be heard outside of the classroom.

*Stomp! Stomp! Stomp!*

The students with the groups laughing earlier scurried rapidly into their assigned seats and fixed their chairs as quickly as possible.

Loud grunts, mumbles, and moving chairs became the only sounds that could be heard across the classroom.

"Look at them panicking around like chimpanzees." Keith giggled as he looked in front and prepared for the class.

"Let's talk again later,  Zen," Lily whispered to Zen with a smile 


'Meeting two friendly people on the same day, that's something new for me at least. I just hope that this school life of mine won't end up like last time..' Zen pondered as he too prepared for the class.

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