Coming back pt.1

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*idk what to do but yeah so like let's just say will came back from Cali and leaves Lucas flabbergasted 🤷🏾‍♀️*

Wills pov:
I feel happy about being back in Hawkins and all but I'm super nervous.why? because I'm walking in front of Hawkins high.

I feel little butterflies in my stomach but not the good ones like the ones you get when you see your crush past by,the anxious and fearful ones that sometimes could be called moths instead of butterflies.But yes me will byers will be attending Hawkins high again but to make myself less doubtful about the events that may happen I think about seeing my friends again and maybe getting back on good terms with Mike.

As I enter Hawkins high I could feel memories over flow on me as if I was drowning in things I could never forget.I already have my schedule with me but I'm a little late since it's lunch already but as I walk in the cafeteria I could remember why I always bought my lunch box.It was because the food sucked here and that it smelled very questionable.

Okay now you and me both know what or should I say who I was looking for,yes you are correct the party.Now there is one thing I haven't told you is my hair grew a lot since I have left let's just say my mom finally realized that bowl cuts really never were "it",so for now my hair is kinda chin length but I kept my bangs well she made me but oh well I guess it still is better than a bowl cut.But back to me looking for the party,wait "Where is everyone?"I said outloud on accident but Why was noone at the party table.As I was walking around I saw a group of people that had the same shirt they must be in some group or band? I saw two familiar faces I walk up two the group out of curiosity.

"Hello?"one said with long curly hair that looked a little stringy as well "umm hi" I managed to squeak out.i locked eyes with one of them,holy shit it's Dustin and Mike.

"Dustin!!" I said with a little to much excitement in my voice "hmm?" He slowly turned his head to me "Will!" Dustin jumped up and gave me a tight hug "I missed you,how have you been?"Dustin asked "Amazing,You?" "Peachy"he said finally letting me go with a slightly toothless grin
"Mike?" I asked kinda confused on why he didn't at least say hi yet"uhh hey will" Mike said finally getting up ,I was expecting a bear hug that says 'i missed you bud' but instead I got a side hug which I still took but c'mon it's been what,a year maybe and not even a simple tight loving hug?and before you ask yes I got over my feelings for Mike but sometimes it still hurts seeing el get phone calls from him and I haven't even got one but maybe that just means I miss our friendship.
"SOOO where's Lucas?" I asked "oh he's at the basketball players table." Basketball? When the hell did Lucas Sinclair ever take interest in basketball? I hate to say it but maybe he was just tired of being a loser and stepped his game up."Where's the basketball table?" I really wanted to see Lucas right now."Wow you're gonna go over there?"Dustin asked"Yeah, what's the big deal?" I questioned "it's no biggie but c'mon man you just got here can't Lucas wait till tomorrow?"Mike said picking in on the conversation"No he can't actually,look can you guys just show me where he is" I said you could practically hear the eye roll in my voice.

Dustin sighed and shared a look with Mike before pointing across from us "There"Dustin said"Why thank mr.henderson" Dustin rolled his eyes playfully "Yeah,Yeah whatever baby Byers" I giggled and then started walking my way to the table I was shown to.

As I made it to the table I started to see Lucas more clearly and I realized something that I would never think I would

When did Lucas Sinclair get so, dreamy?


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