Better together

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"okay well mike can you please just give this box to lucas tonight??" Will asks fixing his hair in the mirror
"fuck no Will you can give it to him at the game" mike responds to him setting the box down next to will
"but didnt you quit band will?" Dustin says walking into one of the bathroom stalls
"yeah it wasnt for me at all, im more of an artist" will grabs the box from beside him giving mike an annoyed look
"well just like grab your band outfit and go. DUSTIN HURRY UP!" Mike screams at dustin
"IM HURRYING" dustin screams walking out of the stall with a box
"Drugs? Really you two?? I thought you stopped after this dumbasses father OD'D"
"Well my father wasnt a real OD he like survived will" dustin responds handing the box to Mike
"Anyways will just like talk to him it'll work out" mike and dustin leave the bathroom

Time skip- game time

Will has the box in his hands, looking around for lucas. Once he spots him he walks away. Lucas is kissing a girl.
Will walks away outside of the gym and sits down. Lucas walks up to him.
"I though you quit band will."
"I did, and if i didnt whats it to you?" said will his anger rising with every second
"Why are you here Will"said Lucas with irritation forming in his voice
"To give you this."
Will throws the box of stuff to lucas
"This is all my stuff?"lucas questioned
"Yeah it is"will said while rolling his eyes
"Why give it to me instead of throwing it out?"lucas asked,he was quite confused on what was going on,did will still love him?
"Doesnt matter. Who was that girl?"will snapped back wondering who the redhead Lucas just kissed,I mean c'mon he did it like it was nothing and they just broke up,was he having an affair before we broke up? Will thought.
"What?"lucas asked a little nervous on what might happen in the passing seconds
"The girl you were kissing?"will asked,is he really trying to play dumb rn?,will thought.
"I dont know what youre talking about will" Lucas said
"The ginger haired girl? Whats her name?"will asked with a little smile on his face,wow who knew Lucas Sinclair was such a liar,will thought.
"Stop"lucas said starting to get a little angry himself
"Whats her name Lucas"will said with a little sadness in it from the thought of Lucas lying to him,and for all he knew he could have been cheating while they were dating.
"Max! Her name is max"
Lucas screams at will.
"Why are you so mad Will you broke up with me!"Lucas yelled while flinging his arms around out of anger and trying his best to prove his point.will scoffed
"Well you made the choice i just made it official"
"I didnt want to be bullied anymore will? Why am i the bad guy?"Lucas asked
"You just couldnt wait to change and leave me behind."will said with a irritated smile
"Its not that like Will and you know it"lucas said softening his voice which means he was using his 'will' voice.

Time skip again

"Lucas is in The hospital because of us!" Will screams walking around the room
"Calm down dude just go visit him."
Dustin says eating chips
"Hes not hurt or anything so its fine"mike reassures
"Fine ill go over to the hospital but both of you and El are coming aswell"will says

*at the hospital*

"Hello, miss?"will says to the front desk lady
"What do you want?" The lady behind the desk says rudely
"Im here to visit Maxine Mayfeild"will says
"Up stairs"the lady said with alot of attitude behind it
"Why are you here Will." Lucas asks
"I feel bad for not believing you."will says with a little sadness in it
"Well you should Will. Max is in the fucking hospital"lucas said getting pissed at will
"How was i supposed to belive a villian from a dnd game was real Lucas?!"will says in a defensive voice
"I didnt expect you to belive it was real, i just wanted you to show up for me."lucas said
"Lucas.. i really am sorry i wasnt there for you."will said tears filling his eyes
"WILL! BEHIND YOU"Lucas sreamed

With the others

"Hay do either of you have change?" Mike asks looking at El and Dustin
"Nope left all my money at home. What about you girly?" Dustin asks looking at el.
"Uh.. no but i can do this"
El walks over to the vending machine and uses her powers? On it and most of the goodies fall out
"Omg that was amazing!!" Mike says picking up a lot of the treats."
"I wonder whats taking them so long?" Dustin asks staring at his watch. All of a sudden Lucas and Will come running through the doors.
"Run!!" They all start running
"What the fuck is going on?!"Mike asked without turning around he just kept running
"A weird creature thing just fucking killed max!! And is chasing us!"Lucas yells back
"What the fuck dude??"Dustin says with fear in his voice
"So like are we gonna die?!"Mike asked,his fear growing at the thought of his friends lifeless body Infront of him
"No just go back to our house Mike!!"Will says

At el and wills house

"Okay so it seems Max did something to upset 001 and now that max is dead hes mad at you lucas." El says sitting down at the table
"So im gonna fucking die??"lucas asked with fear
"Maybe" el says calmly
"No?! No lucas cant die." Will says storming out of the room
"Will!" Lucas runs after him
"Lucas you cant die. You just cant!!"will said trembling at the thought of,you know that
"I dont want to die Will but im going to and theres nothing we can do."lucas said tears starting to firm in his eyes
"Lucas these past few months without you have been hell! If you die i have no idea what im going to do."will said with tears already streaming down his face
"It will be fine Will i promise."lucas said with a single tear rolling down his face
"But what if its not fine. What if you die and i cant take it?"will says about to have a break down
Lucas kisses will
"You have to Will. El,mike, dustin they need you."lucas says as he wipes wills tears with his thumbs
"But we all need you Lucas."will says,face a bright red from crying
All of a sudden a loud noise is heard and everything goes black.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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