Playing Boyfriend

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Ahahah hi guys! How y'all doin? Hope your year is going well so far! Anyways I've had some major! Major! Writers block. I would start to write something and then delete it because I thought it was trash. So after about 1,000 trash writings here's this less piece of trash writing. Hope you all enjoy <3 (it's a long one!)

*(Not edited) remember any request either comment or dm!

"Harry pleaseeee" louis said begging harry
"I think you should harry" niall said taking a swig of his beer.
"Thank you niall" louis said gesturing to niall.

"Plus! You won't be spending Christmas by yourself and it can be my birthday present" louis added with a big smile

Currently louis is sitting at a bar with 2 of his best friends trying to convince harry to come to his family's Christmas and pretend to be his boyfriend so his family will hop off his ass for not having a boyfriend.

"Fine! Fine I'll do it" harry said throwing up his hands. He grabbed his beer and pointed at louis then taking a swig.

"Yes! Thank you harry!" louis said clapping his hands together.

a few days later

Harry walked into louis flat with his bags.
"Lou I'm here" harry announced as he closed the door behind him and dropping his bags by the door.

"I'll be down in a sec" louis said from his room upstairs.
Harry just sat down on the couch and scrolled on his phone.
A few minutes later louis came down with 2 suitcases and a giant duffle bag.
"Okay let's go" louis said out of breath.
Harry eyed him "need some help"
"No no I'm good, I'm a strong man" louis said still out of breath. Harry just let out an amused laugh and grabbed one of louis bag including his own and they walked to louis car.

It was only about a 3 1/2 drive back to louis home town. The 2 boys jammed out to some music singing their hearts out along the way. It was about 5'o'clock when louis pulled into the drive way of his old home. As soon as he parked the car a bunch of kids came running out of the house.

"Louisssss" daisy yelled as she threw her self onto her brother.
"Hey dais how's it going I missed you" louis said lowering himself onto his knees and giving her a big hug.

"Hey what about me! Did you miss me too" phoebe said stomping her foot down and crossing her arms. Louis grabbed her and pulled her into a hug
"Of course I missed you phoebe!"

Louis stood up and let go of the little girls and went to hug the other 2 older girls.

"We missed yah Lou" fizzy said both giving him a massive hug.
"Aww I missed you guys too"

"Ah louis you're finally here!" His mom said excited as she walked over to him. A little baby boy in his arms. Dan following behind with a baby girl.

"Hey mum" he said giving her a kiss on the check. She just handed him the baby and walked over to harry.

"Harry, love how are you?" She said giving harry a big hug
"I'm doing well" he said hugging her back.
"We've missed you, you know? It's been to long" she said pulling back and looking him over.
"You're looking thin, but don't worry we'll get that fixed by the time you guys leave"

"Mum stop bothering harry" louis said rolling his eyes and handing baby Doris off to Lottie.

"You hush louis.... Same goes for you!" She said eyeing him.
Louis just rolled his eyes pulling their things out of the car. Harry laughed and then started to help louis.

Once they were inside and settled in their room louis flopped on the bed.
"Ugh im so tired" he groaned. Harry joined him on the bed.
"So I was thinking we can announce that you know we're "dating" tonight at dinner, sound alright with you?" Louis asked.

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