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Stu Macher x Reader

Requested by Anon

Halloween event

You glanced at the horror section. Even with all the killings in town, everyone drifted towards the VHS tape boxes with gruesome covers. Turning down a row you found some movies that seemed interesting.

As you looked up you jumped. Stu was leaning over one of the isles and laughed when he realised he'd spooked you. He reached over, pulled the box from you, looked at it, and then pulled a face. "This looks shit."

"It looks interesting. I don't want a scary movie." You insisted as you snatched it back. He pulled a face and came round the shelf.

"Boring more like. You coming to the party later?" He asked.

"No." You said quickly and picked up another box. You quickly set it back and looked at another while Stu leaned in, you could feel his weight against your side.

"No? Why not?" He asked and nudged you.

"Because we have a curfew. And there is a... Killer, on the loose." You looked around and whispered killer in a way that made Stu giggle. It was all anyone in the store was talking about. Even if they could have heard the two of you, no one would have said anything.

"You scared that the killer will get you at mine?" He asked and pinched your sides to make you jump and squeal a little.

"What if they do? You and Tatum lost me for an hour at that scary house we went to. You promised you'd stay close. I'm not risking it." You insisted. He chuckled at that and shrugged.

"Firstly we knew exactly where you were. We left you with that stabby clown while we got snacks. Secondly, you want to stay at home alone with a killer on the loose. That's literally how you get murdered." Stu tapped on the shelf next to you and watched you inspect several more empty VHS boxes.

"I'll be ok. My house is right near town. Besides, I'll just lock all the doors and windows. Do I really seem like the kind of person that would have a serial killer sniffing around me?" You asked and smiled at him as he giggled.

"You never know." You saw Stu glance over at Randy who was stocking shelves. He left you to look over your boring movies to talk with him. At one point when you glanced up, Billy was talking with them as well.

You picked out a few and jumped when you turned to head to the till and almost crashed into Billy.

"Hi." He said and smiled at you.

"Oh. Hello." You answered.

"You hear from Syd? I was wondering if she was coming to Stu's tonight." He said. You almost jumped when Stu came up behind you and draped himself over your shoulder, if you weren't so used to him you would have spooked and hurried away. Billy made you a little uncomfortable sometimes.

"I'm not sure. Tatum said she'd ask her if she wanted to come but I haven't seen her since then." You answered. He nodded and glanced at the tape in your hand.

"That's a shit movie." He said. He and Stu laughed to themselves as Billy left.

"At least watch something like these." Stu muttered and lowered the boxes from Gremlins and Beetlejuice into your line of view.

"Stu! I said nothing scary." You said as you turned and looked up at him. He frowned at you as if he thought the films were far from creepy. You'd only seen a few horror movies and all since becoming friends with the group. Tatum had befriended you, sort of, and you started hanging around. She had hopped up from where the group lounged in the sun and headed over to you. You had looked at her like a startled deer but let her take your hand and lead you over to sit between her and Stu. After that, you found yourself always being tugged around after Tatum and sometimes Stu for some chaotic reason or another. The last scary movie they'd watched with you was one Billy recommended. He was talking over it the whole time while Syd and Tatum muttered to each other about how bad the movie was. You sat squished on the sofa between Tatum and Stu who had thrown a hand over her shoulder, trying to get handsy but giving in when she slapped at his hand. Every time the movie made you jump he had to stifle a laugh. He and Tatum had tried to sneak into your room to see if you were ok and you'd screamed so loudly they'd been caught. Neither was upset about it as they had found it rather amusing. You, however, didn't. "I just want to stay in and be safe. Maybe watch a movie that has nothing to do with Halloween."

"Boring. I bet Tatum could pick you up and no one will say anything if you stay around and crash." Stu insisted. He smiled when he saw your resolve crack and you sighed.

"Fine." You muttered. He threw up his hands and laughed as you put the tapes back and went to get some snacks from the small section by the till. You waved to him as he went back to bother Randy and headed home. Your neighbour waved at you.

"Your parents are still out of town?" She asked.

"Yeah. How'd you know?" You asked and she gestured over to the house.

"My mom phoned yours on the number she left in case of emergencies. She let her know what happened. I'm supposed to invite you over to stay the night." She smiled and you nodded slowly and winced. "But you're going to that thing over at Stu's?"

"Yeah. want to come?" You asked. She sighed and leaned against the side of her porch and looked down at her driveway.

"Sure. But we'll have to sneak out once my mom goes to bed. Only for a couple of hours. She gets up early for work." She said. You nodded, agreeing and headed inside. You got changed and headed round next door once you'd packed a bag and made sure everything was locked up. The two of you were tucked in and pretending to be focused on an old rerun on TV when your neighbour's mum went to bed. Once you were sure she was asleep the two of you crept downstairs and headed out to her car which had been parked on the road.

When the two of you arrived at Stu's house he cheerfully greeted you by picking you up round the waist in a bear hug and carrying you inside, dumping you next to Tatum who hugged you too.

"Staying long?" She asked you.

"Of course!" Stu insisted. His smile fell when you shrugged.

"I'm supposed to be staying at my neighbour's and her mum gets up for work in a couple of hours so we can't stay too long." You explained. Tatum nodded but Stu looked a little disappointed.

"You don't want to stay for the movies?" Stu asked. He looked hopeful but you shook your head.

"Better safe than sorry with everything that's going on." You said and smiled at him. He nodded slowly. "I just want to stay in and be safe. Maybe watch a movie that has nothing to do with Halloween." You added.

"Oh. Well hopefully nothing happens to the car and you can both get home safe." Stu said in an odd tone and smiled. "I'm going to get another beer. Be right back." 

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