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"WHY DO YOU LOOK SO FLUSTERED?" After Sergio had whispered so many inappropriate words into Aaliyah's ear, the woman felt dizzy. Like her world was spinning at a rapid pace and she couldn't regain control.

The man had already left five minutes ago but Aaliyah still stood in the dimly lit corner of the hallway and tried to regulate her breathing.

When she eventually came back to her senses and realised she'd been gone from her friends for way too long, her feet moved on their own accord and she found herself back at her table.

Vanessa's question caught Aaliyah off guard but she quickly thought of a response. "It's really hot in the bathroom and I had to wait because all of the stalls were occupied." Which was half the truth, half a lie.

"Really?" She didn't know if Vanessa believed her or not but during this moment she didn't care. "The professor is up next to give a speech."

With narrowed eyes Aaliyah stared at her two friends while they laughed. It's like they knew mentioning him would get her riled up. The rest of the table were now occupied with other students. Some looked familiar, some didn't.

They weren't paying attention to the three ladies and that was a really good thing due to the nature of their conversation.

Aaliyah didn't understand how it even got to this point, where she felt this undeniable attraction towards him. It was no secret that he was extremely handsome but initially the only emotion she felt towards him was disdain.

Then she saw him walking towards the large stage — everybody's eyes were on him and she could hear the faint sound of clapping but yet again those sounds were drowned out like mere background noise as she entered a world of her own.

Sergio now wore a black suit jacket over his red shirt and he fixed it as he walked towards the mic in the middle of the stage. His eyes locked with hers for a brief moment before he focused his attention on the rest of the room.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen." That voice had goosebumps forming on Aaliyah's skin and heat rushed directly to her core. If only she knew the effect she had on the man too.

Sergio was lucky that he got through his speech without mumbling or stuttering. He could feel her staring at him and it sent the blood rushing straight to his dick. He needed to control all of his urges whilst in the spotlight because the slacks he wore was too tight.

He stopped himself from staring at her for too long but it became more difficult as the seconds passed by. The colour of her dress made her stand out from the rest of the crowd. She could've been wearing a black bag and his eyes would still linger on her.

Her beauty was unmatched. Her curls were soft, voluminous and the prettiest shade of brown. Then there were those enticing eyes, seductive and innocent all at once.

She was alluring and captivating. I could write an entire novel about her outer beauty and by the end of it there'd still be so much left to say — he thought to himself.

Aaliyah found herself staring at him much longer than she should have. When she saw his tattooed forearms earlier she wanted to know what the ink design looked like up close and personal. She wanted to run her manicured fingers over his tan skin.

What else was he hiding underneath his clothes? A question she'd been asking herself way too many times as of late. She was desperate to see what he had to offer. It was so easy. Temptation dangling in her face like a set of keys for her dream car. She could just grab it and unlock the door but at what cost?

She could give in to her desires and make him show her what that physical stimulation entailed but would it be that easy? What would happen when it was all said and done? Would they be involved in a one night stand?

Sadistic | 18+Where stories live. Discover now