worst ex ever!

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I was officially turning 21 in two weeks I was thinking about just staying in but before I could even get lost in my thoughts my best friend Summer interrupted me "(name) so what are you going to do for your 21st birthday I was thinking we could throw a lit party and invite Josh to make your ex jealous"

" Summer I already told you parties aren't my scene" I said in a slightly annoyed voice. " Come on (name) you only turn 21 once do you want to be that sad girl who just stays in for a 21st birthday or do you want to be that super cool girl that everyone knows"

"There's really no way I can convince you is there" I said. "Not really I already have everything planned out" summer smiled so brightly I swear I could see all of her teeth.

I mainly wanted to stay in for my 21st birthday because last year I walked in on my ex Robert on top of another woman and it so happens to be that woman was my ex best friend Brittany and I've had a crush on Josh for as long as I can remember he is so HOT!!.

I Heard a voice calling me from behind "(name)" as I turned around to look I soon regretted it. " What do you want Britney" I said with a disgusted voice. "Come on you can't still be mad at me for what happened are you I said I'm sorry" "I'm sorry it doesn't take back what you did now does it" I said with more angrily voice I turned around and started walking off.

Still upset by what happened I went to the public bathroom and I started crying but then I started hearing footsteps. IT WAS JOSH!!
"(name) are you okay I heard someone crying I wanted to check if they were right" Josh said with a worried look on his face. "I'm sorry I guess I'm still mad and upset on what Robert did to me" I said as I was wiping my tears.

"It'll get better you just might need some time to get over that bastard I believe in you, you were always strong spirited and with that beautiful smile" as Josh said in a reassuring voice. I can tell you he wanted to make me feel better. "Thanks you always had a way to make me feel better"

The day I turned 21

I woke up at 7:00 a.m. as usual I got in the shower and did my makeup after I had just gotten dressed I got a call it was from Summer I quickly picked up the phone. "Hello" "hi (name) I just bought all the alcohol and I'm already getting ready for the party I already invited everybody on the college campus" she said way too excited.

"Summer at 7:00" I said wanting to flip her off as a joke. "I know that silly I got up at 5:00 a.m. to start" "bitch you did not just get up at 5:00 to get ready for my 21st birthday" "I did now hurry up and get ready put on something super bold and sexy" she said all bossy like.

"Fine" I only said that because I knew I couldn't win with her. I hung up the phone and got ready I put on a lace crop top and some booty shorts. I didn't know what she meant by bold and sexy but honestly I didn't care I was still mending my shattered heart.

I was looking at my phone texting summer when I tripped and fell on to someone pressing my lips against theirs. "Oh my God I am so sorry" I said feeling embarrassed. "I was looking at my phone and tripped" as I look up to see who it was I was shocked.

I had just tripped and kissed Josh, I was laying on Josh's chest. "Here let me help you up" as I said I shyly. "Are you hurt. He said worried about me. "No and I again I am so sorry" I said embarrassed with bright red cheeks. "No you're totally fine I'm the one who's embarrassed I was on my phone too I didn't see you"

"Anyways again I'm so sorry but I have to go I'm helping my friend Summer plan my birthday party"

"Oh well I'll totally have to be there then"he said smiling out of the corner of his mouth. "Well you don't have to but it'd be great if you did" I said hoping for a good response. "When is it" he said with a teasing smile.

"Well it starts at midnight"
"Well I guess I'll see you at midnight then"

As I walked off still in shock about what just happened I saw Summer across the street. As soon as I got up to her I explained to her what just happened. "(NAME)!!! YOU KISSED JOSH"!! She said practically yelling. "Will you keep it down but yes I did and it was an accident". "hm" as she was questioning me. "Sure.. an "Accident" " Whatever can we just go"

The party begins

Me and summer and a few of her other friends had just finished setting up for the party the plastic cups and the alcohol were all in the kitchen snacks too then everybody started coming to my apartment that I rented about a half a year ago.

Amazed by how many people came I didn't really care about anyone else except for one person that I was hoping came to my party. As I mumbled underneath my breath "as I thought"
I heard a voice that I recognized say behind me "What did you think" I whipped around to see who it was.

Josh he actually came to my party as I was excited I tried to keep my cool. "Hey I was just about to get a drink do you want one"? I asked to be polite.

Within two and a half hours later I was completely wasted me and Josh were laughing and having a good time. When all of a suddenly he leaned in to whisper something in my ear. "You look especially lovely tonight"

"Thank you I can say the same about you but more of a sexy look" it slipped out before I could put my hand over my mouth. He chuckled and said with the seductive whisper "then I think you would like to see me without a shirt"

Without thinking I smacked my lips against his. He let out a a quiet moan into my mouth. Panting out of breath "do you want to go up to my room I can show you a great time" before I even knew it he slightly noded his head.

I took his hand and let him upstairs to my room and as soon as we got in I pushed him down on the bed and pinned his wrist above his head. And then gave him a long hot steamy kiss. I stuttered "I - I want you Josh" as I sat on top of his hips.

I got impatient and ripped off his shirt I stared at his abs yes he had muscles but I loved the way his body was built. I gradually left kisses the longest chest down to his stomach and stopped at his lower hip. I looked at him for permission as he gave me a nod I unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans.

But I wanted him to beg me so I grinded my hips down teasing him. As he let out a moan I grinded my hips down harder and moved in a more circular motion as he bit down his lip. I said "don't do that I want to hear every squeal and moan you make every grunt then I'll know I'm doing a good job"

I knew I wanted him but I didn't know that it would be this bad he's like a drug and when you're addicted it's like you can't get enough I slowly got up from the bed as he slightly set up to see what I was doing.

I took off my crop top showing a black laced bra underneath but then he asked "let me do it" as I got back on top of him with one swift move he undid my bra and took off my shorts.

At first I started slowly and we found a pace and rhythm. He wanted more "h - harder" he said while letting out a hot moan then I went faster giving him no warning and I brought him right to that edge.

And then started going slow again "w why are you slowing down" he said curiously I said "I want to hear you beg for it" as he moaned "please" as he moaned my name
"Please(Name) I want you to finish me please give me that pleasure"

I gave him no warning I picked up the pace pounding hard and fast as he moaned with pleasure until finally he came

Both laying next to each other exhausted I laid my head on his chest and we both fell asleep until....

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