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my thoughts:

um i dont know. it started off fine but as time went on, my writing just went really messy and it was just very rushe in a sense. i kind of dont like how its all compressed into one micro-fanfic & i dont know.  this is lowkey (highkey even) bad :( ugh what am i going to doooo.

i may practice again tmr or smth.

my exam is in literally a day 😭😭

that's it for this shitty 'one-shot' and ong im ashamed to even publish it <\3

but i still will bc if i dont i would never publish again

reminder: its okay to not be that good or smth, as long as u try, practice, and seek feedbacks, u will get well soon! everything takes time and we are all different :)

have a lovely rest of your day.


- luna

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