CHAPTER 14: The Scythe

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Aurora's Requiem...

It was my first godrune that uses the time edict of aether, Aevum. But what it could do, I was not yet sure.

Standing up with a groan I noticed Ceara laying still, motionless. The backlash must have been pretty bad on her.

Although I didn't regret leaving her behind I still felt bad about it.

Giving her a few pulses with my quadra elemental mana she finally woke up.

"Where am I" she said in a tired monotone voice.

"You experienced backlash so you fainted. But otherwise you are okay."

"I see" she said looking up at me, her red eyes starring into mine.

"Thank you."

Awkwardly breaking eye contact I looked at the portal that appeared after I cleared the zone.

"Can you walk?"

Nodding Ceara slowly stood up and leaned on me for support.

Using a trick Dreg had thought me I changed the portal location not to a convergence zone like it intended but to a sanctuary that would bring us back to the first two floors. Then we stepped through the glistening portal.

"H-how are we at a sanctuary!" Ceara asked confused.

"Maybe the Relictombs took pity on us" I tried to make a joke, but Ceara only scoffed.

"So much for finding out more about your powers" Ceara said.

"If it makes you better I know nothing about yours." I said.

"No it doesn't." Ceara pouted.

I tried to ignore the fact that my heart skipped a beat when I saw her pout.

"Fine I'll show you one of my spells...I said caving in.

Where is your house?"

"Huh why?"

"Just tell me."

"Up there" she said pointing up to a hill to my right.

I picked up Ceara and focused on the aether pathways surrounding me. Then I activated godstep.

"Wha- put me down!" Ceara yelled while lightly hitting my chest.

"As you wish" I said dropping her to the ground

"That's not what I meant." Ceara glared at me.

"Anyway we are here" I said nonchalantly.

Ceara turned around to see her her mansion behind her.

Her home was huge, around the same size as Xyrus academy. I was awe struck, although I didn't let Ceara see it.

"How did you..."

Ignoring her question I knocked on the door.

"Wait no don't do that-"

Interrupting Ceara's complaint the giant door swung open as a petite maid opened the door.

I could see her eyes widen but she kept her professional appearance.

"May I help you?" The woman asked.

"I have a special delivery of a certain Denoir" I said while pointing to Ceara still on the ground.

"Goodness what happened" the woman said more to Ceara then me.

"I can expla-"

I watched Ceara get interrupted over and over again by the maids barrage of questions. A smile started to pull at my lips.

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