The scarf

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Introduccion (kinda):

It was a cold,white winter, and the snow already started falling on the grounds of the wizarding world. Harriet potter,a 6th year Gryffindor, also known as the girl-who-lived, was playing with the cold white snow on the ground.

Harriet pov:

Playing with the snow was so much fun, but I also felt cold, Ron and Hermione were no where in sight, and I would have gloves or at least a scarf on me, but today I forgot. I didn't think that outside was sooo cold without any equipment.

Suddenly I don't feel like playing with snow anymore, now, I just want to go back to the Gryffindor common room and drink some hot chocolate, and that's what would keep me warm from this weather.I want to go, really, I really want to go to my common room.But... I'm also too cold to...walk. 'Cold,cold,cold,hot chocolate,cold...' That was all I could think about in this snowy cold winter. In fact, It was not even winter, that season was 8 days away and it already started snowing. If I find this weather cold, I can't even imagine how cold would it be on Christmas. My cold thoughts are interrupt by a warm scarf on my neck.Finally something that is warm, I was about to thank whoever gave me that scarf, when I turned around, I look up seeing only Malfoy's face.

"Enjoing the view pottah?" he says.

" oh shut up."I say" B-but th-thank y-you."

"You can use mine for now if you want."

"Really!?" I say
He stares at me with those grey-silver eyes of his.
"Thank y-you, I guess"I say. And he went away.

Who would have guessed that Malfoy has a nice side? I am surprised. I decided to head back to the Gryffindor tower and have a nice cup of hot chocolate. When I entered tho, Ron and Hermione look at me.

"What?"I say

" Mate, are you wearing a Slytherin scarf?" Says Ron .

" Yes? " I say.

"Who gave it to you?" Asked Hermione.

They were asking lots of questions so I have decided to explain everything that happened to them.

"Malfoy!?"says Hermione " wow, this is your lucky day. Considering that you've had a huge crush on him since first year ~"

"Shut up." I say going to my room

I mean, she's not wrong tho, I did have a huge crush on him, and I still do. This could've been the best day in my life! For now. I regret denying his friend request back in first year now, we could've been at least friends if our relationship didn't work out. But I didn't accept it, that was one of the most stupid things that I've done in my entire life.

The next day:

I'm now trying to find him to give his scarf back. Six minutes later I found him.

"M-malfoy, y-your scarf." I say.

"Aww, don't be shy. And about that scarf, you can keep it if you want. I have a lot of spare ones with me anyway." He says.

" R-really!?" I ask

" Of course pottah, but now that I gave something to you... You also have to give me something."

" Ok... What do you want then Malfoy?"

" You~"

"A-are you serious!?"

"Oh I'm dead serious pottah, or should I say Malfoy~"

After these words I was just simply blushing at him. I've had huge a crush on him for six years and today, my dreams finally came true.

Byebye little and big readers, and see you in the next one. Although I have started school now Soo... I will be often busy due to the homeworks.

Word count: 627

- Emma

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