Opposite au

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( I really love the picture ebove, it's soo gorgeous !! )

I'm continuing this book-

Where Harriet and Draco are the opposite, Draco as the boy who lived and Harriet as the Slytherin princess.

What if Harriet was a pureblood ?
What if Dumbledore was the dark lord instead ?
What if Draco was the boy who lived ?
What if Draco was friends with Hermione and Ron instead of Harriet ?
What if Harriet was the Slytherin princess ?
What if, Draco was the one who lived with the dursleys ?

Read to find out ! ( Discontinued, for now, refering to this chapter )

( time : before 1st year )


It was the summer before the start of the magical school semester, which is in 15 days. Harriet Potter, the daughter of a pureblood family, is now finding a place to hide from dangerous killers. She was running with all her might and changing directions so the killers won't catch her. She was running, until she got tired and wanted to rest for a while, but was afraid of being kidnaped while resting.
That all stopped when she saw a house in the distance, ' maybe I can seek help there ' she thought. She went to the house, and saw the sign : Privet Drive 4. 'must be a muggle place' she thought 'how did I even end up here ?'

She knocked on the door, hoping that someone would answer. She almost lost it when some boy opened it.

" Hello ? " He asked
" Hi, um, can I stay for the night ? There are killers chasing me " Harriet answered
" Wait, lemme go ask first. Vernon !! " the boy said, after a few minuts, he came back " I have good news, you can stay. You're really lucky, your the first 'stranger' to ever come in to this house "
'Maybe I am..' Harriet thought. The boy lead her to the living room. Harriet, was looking at the house in the meantime, it was quite clean to be honest. For a muggle of course.

" Who is it ? " asked a man
" I'm Harriet, I was asking to stay for the night because there are some killers chasing me "
The other boy, looked at Harriet for a moment, not in a bad way surprisingly.
" Dad, let her stay ! She looks like she's from a rich family, plus, she's also very beautiful " He whispered to the man.

" You're right son. Ok young lady, you can stay, we can get a spare room for you. Boy, get the girl a room !! "
" Um, thank you.. " 
" Vernon " The man said
" Harriet "
" I'm Dudley ! " the boy said
" Nice to meet you ! " Said Harriet with a kind manner " May I ask who the other boy was ? "
" Oh him ? No one you should worry about Harriet, he's just a good for nothing. If you must know, his name is Draco Malfoy "

That night, Harriet went to sleep at the guest room. She wasn't sleepy at all, so she decided to wonder around the house for a bit. She went down the stairs and heard a noise, so she went to check it out. The noise was from under the stairs, she opened the small dow and took a peak inside.
It was a really small room, a cupboard actually. The boy named Draco was in there.

" What are you doing here ? " Draco asked "you shouldn't be here... "
" Neither do you, now tell me. What happened ? " Said Harriet
" Nothing, I'm just seeing my Hogwarts letter and thinking that I won't go the-  Wait, I shouldn't have said that- "
" It's fine, I'm going to that school too actually "
" Really ?! "
" Yes, but why don't they let u go ? "
" They say that I'm a mistake. My parents have died in a car crash and- " Draco couldn't finish his sentence
" Ok, first of, you are NOT a mistake, and second, you're parents didn't die in a car crash "
" How would you know ? "
" Belive me or not, you are famouse in the wizarding world "
" Wizarding world ? But magic doesn't exist ! Does it ? "
" It certainly does Draco. You are known as the boy who lived there, your name is literally anywhere !! And your parents- "

Dun dun dun !!! Mystery here !! I'm not continuing this, unless u comment that u want me to continue ofc. I might write a whole book of this by then

Bye !!! Ty for reading !

- Emma <3

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