Chapter 2 Death and Monsters are Real

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Ford, now 27 years old, is in the Navy and just got back to his home in San Francisco from deployment. His wife Elle Brody and his son Sam age 5 and his daughter Kate age 3 are waiting at the airport for him. The family go back home to celebrate but things are cut short once the kids have been tucked into bed as Elles phone goes off.

Elle: Hold on let me get that it could be work. (she picks up the phone) Hello? Yeah I'm Mrs. Brody. He did what? Can you hold on for a second?

Ford: Who was that?

Elle: Tokyo Police Department... Joe was arrested in Japan again.

Ford: DAMNIT! He really can't stay out of the past can't he.

Elle: Ford he's YOUR dad maybe you should talk to him?

Ford: You know he's going to try to drag me with him.

Elle: Ford your father needs you.

Ford: You're right. I'm just going to sleep on the couch and maybe watch a movie.

Kate: (walking into the living room seeing her dad watching a movie with a goofy monster attacking a city) Daddy where you going?

Ford: Kate don't worry just going to see grandpa.

Kate: You coming back right?

Ford: I will, don't you worry. I'm going to get some sleep now, ok?

Cut to Ford in Tokyo Japan. While at the baggage claim he runs into an old friend of his.

Takarada: Ford is that you?

Ford: Yeah it's me. How have you been Takarada?

Takarada: Been good. Guessing you heard about your father?

Ford: Unfortunately.

Takarada: Well it was good to see you, old friend.

Ford: You too.

Cut to the police department where Ford meets with his father.

Joe: Hi.

Ford says nothing to his father and the two of them stare at one another. Ford and Joe go to Joe's place for the night until Ford leaves next evening. The next morning Ford wakes up to his father talking to someone on the phone.

Ford: What do you think you're doing?

Joe: I have to go.

Ford: No you're not.

Ford's phone begins to ring and his wife calls to tell him that her and their kids made it to Japan to surprise them. Ford is reasonably upset but he doesn't let his rage consume him.

Ford: Dad, Elle and the kids are coming. I'm going with you. Leave a key.

Joe: I know you would.

The father and son go to the quarantine zone to find out what happened back in 1999. They find out there's no radiation which Joe notes as one of his suspicions once they get to their old house and explore for a bit Joe finds a picture of him Sandra and Ford and decides to put it in his pocket then Ford notices something odd where the old plant was.

Ford: Do you think they're rebuilding it?

Joe: There's no way.

Just then a MONARCH personal vehicle pulls up behind the two of them and they're taken to the former plant to be interrogated. Once there Joe notices a pulsating red object and so does Ford who gets separated.

Joe: I wanna talk to somebody in charge. You're not fooling anybody when you say what happened was a natural disaster. You're lying it was not an earthquake, it wasn't a typhoon. Because what's really happening is that you're hiding something out there. AND IT'S GOING TO SEND US BACK TO THE STONE AGE. MY WIFE DIED HERE! I SAW SOMETHING KILL MY WIFE!

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